Part 7

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Third Person POV:
Kokichi walked out of his room.

Tired. He forgot that blood stained his skin, scalp, and hands.

He rubbed his eyes tiredly as he walked to the main hall to go eat.

He didn't feel like eating at all. But he'd just throw it up afterwards. So it didn't matter at all. He sat down at a random seat.

Angie sat right next to him. (Bro I love Angie) "Hey Kokichi-Kun!" Angie said bubbly. 'How could she be so calm in a situation like this??'

Kokichi thought looking at her with confusion. (Kinda like that face Tanjiro made at Zenitsu-) "Hey! Purple abortion she's talking to you!" Miu yelled across the table. Ouma snapped out of his trance. "H u h ?" Kokichi said.

"COCKITY SHE'S TALKING TO YOU." Miu said half-yelling. "Ugh, can't degenerate males ever listen?" Tenko said groaning. "I'll use my neo-aikido on you!" Tenko said hitting Kokichi on his neck.

He flinched "B*tch the f*ck?" Kokichi said looking at her rubbing his neck while wincing. "Listen to Angie! Eventhoughshe'skindareallyannoying-" Angie looked at her with a intimidating aura while smiling. Tenko closed her mouth in an instant.

"Anyways! Kokichi why do you have blood on her hands and scalp?" The religious hooligan said happily. Kokichi looked at her in pure confusion. She held up his hand. Kokichi's eyes widened. "It's nothing!" He said pulling away quietly while smiling.

"Or maybe that's a lie too." He said shrugging. She held her finger up to his lips. "Say no more! Atua can sense you clear lies! Tell Angie or Himiko will curse you!" Angie said grabbing her carving knife.

"Hey! Don't use Himiko's magic like that!" Tenko said pointing at her angrily. Himiko spoke up "Yeah Angie-San.." Himiko said yawning. Tenko grabbed Himiko "Don't worry I'll restore you're energy!" Tenko said while grinning. Himiko had a look of calm annoyance.

"Yeah Tenko you can let go now.. my energy is... restored now." Himiko said. Tenko let go of Himiko "Okay Himiko! Tell me when you need me again!" Tenko said happily. Tenko blushed excitedly.

"Yeah..." Himiko said turning her head away. Himiko walked over to Angie. She hid behind her. Gonta happily walked over. "Hello Kokichi-Kun!" Gonta said waving kindly. Kokichi smiled wickedly. Shuichi flinched at his attempt at grinning. It looked horrid.

Shuichi looked at Ouma's hands. That can't just be from anything. He looked at Ouma's hair. Some pieces were messy and close to falling off. His head was bleeding. Straight from his scalp. 'That's not natural..' he thought thoroughly.

His eyes widened. 'Why was Ouma ripping his hair out?' Shuichi thought. 'He has no reason to-' then it hit him. When it did it hit him like a truck.

'Ouma has depression and anxiety.' Shuichi out together with ease. It's as if he snapped his fingers but in his mind. (Sorry I'm horrible at explaining things 🤡🤡🤡) Shuichi felt a pang of pity for Ouma. Ouma always looked so cheerful but if course that's not always the case even if he didn't express his feeling openly he didn't hide them to be impossible to figure out either.

He seemed very close to both Kirumi and Rantaro. Whom has both passed onto the afterlife. He talked to Kirumi as if he was talking to his mother, he talked to Rantaro as if they were siblings. It probably effected him much more effectively then the others death even if they were still horrific.

Shuichi felt horrible. He'd seen Ouma at first glance as a antagonist. But he's just the one that needs to help become a part of the group. No one gave it to him. He had no one to reach out to. To get helped. He was like him. So much like him the only difference is one had someone to hold onto and talk to. How much would've been different? It's too late to think about that. But it's never too late to help.

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