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A/N It's Mermaid! Shuichi x Kokichi now y'all. A little OOC and also what the fuck is up with you guys saying you hate Kaede on the first chapter like goddamn chill. Also if she's "getting in the way of the ship" I'm sorry to say it but you're a fujoshi, you are fetishizing gay males. Go change your mindset being a fujoshi doesn't make you a LGBTQIA+ ally quite the opposite really so I kindly ask you to leave before reading my book.

Third Person POV:

Kokichi sat on the little bridge near the water. His hand resting on his knee. He was upset 

His friends had dumped him today. He didn't know what he had done wrong to be treated this way.

Sure, he was annoying and would play pranks in any person in proximity of himself. But he did intensely care about them.

As he was practically drowning in his own thought something poked at his foot. It was a little sharp.

He looked down at his foot and he saw a shining fin? "what the hell is that?" he poked it and it flinched.

"Hey? Is anyone there?" He asked and then a beautiful boy around his age with blue locks the color of the ocean popped up above the water chin level.

"Oh hi, rough day too huh?" he asked it. The mermaid nodded and went up on the dock Kokichi was sitting on.

"Woah! You're a mermaid?" he asked it and the mermaid nodded profusely with a light pink tinting it's cheeks.

"What's it like?" Kokichi said curiously. The unknown mermaid finally spoke up. "Well I guess it is similar to being a fish but having more intelligence and free will like you homosapiens" 

The mermaid smiled after finishing his sentence. Kokichi gaped the mystical creatures voice was so smooth and alluring.

Practically engulfing Kokichi in his calming voice. "What's your name? My name is Kokichi."

"My name is Shuichi." Kokichi thought that name was beautiful and will never forget it for his life.

"Hey I know you're a mermaid and all but can you see if you are able to morph your form with legs?" Kokichi asked him

"I can try." Shuichi said suddenly dunking himself back into the water. Shuichi focused on the thought of having legs and let his mermaid genes gift of manifestation take full control.

His fins suddenly starting separating and turning into the peachy flushed tone on his skin. Luckily there was something covering the private area

"Wow! That's so cool!" Kokichi said as Shuichi sat on the dock with him like a regular human. "What else can you do?" he asked. "Well I can breathe underwater and talk to underwater creatures, although I haven't yet tried talking to a land animal." Shuichi replied. 

"Well you can't say you can't unless you try." Kokichi said while grabbing his hand and bringing him to his house.

"Ok so first you can't just go outside shirtless and only wear swimming trunks so I'll go get you some clothes." Kokichi said while skipping out of the room.

Then he came back with a pastel blue graphic tee with a dolphin on it and a pair of black shorts. Shuichi placed the clothing on and Kokichi awed in absolute adoration.

"Hey since you don't have any shoes I'll have to know your foot size." "Oh. How do I do that?" Shuichi asked. 

"Well I'll give you these slides that were a size too big for me since they misplaced my order." Kokichi said. 

"Well now it's time to go to a mall for your clothes and other necessities" he said while getting the car.

Time skip brought to you by the girls, the gays, and theys

"Alright! We got all the stuff!" Kokichi said while grinning at the tall blue haired boy. They put all the things in their new places, they even got a big toucan plush.

The sun was starting to lower and it was soon getting darker. Kokichi knew it was time for Shuichi to go back to his actual home, but it was just so soon.

"Hey Kokichi, I'll ask my parents if I can move in with you soon. Maybe we can still hang out tomorrow?" Shuichi said while his ears and cheeks turned red. 

Kokichi's looked surprised by that response. No one really wanted to hang out with him before. But those words made him extremely happy.

He felt this weird feeling in his stomach, he then had a thought. Is this what love feels like? If so, it was the most wonderful thing he's ever felt.

"Y-yeah! You can totally come back to my house tomorrow!" Kokichi said excitedly. "Same place?" Shuichi asked. Kokichi nodded profusely. 

"It's a date." Shuichi said kissing Kokichi's cheek while walking away. "Bye now! I'll see you tomorrow!" 

Kokichi flushed. That mermaid really knows how to flatter a guy. 

810 words 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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