Depressed! Kokichi x Shuichi

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Ok so someone requested this and someone also requested angst so I'm killing two birds with one stone! Thank you guys for the request I love you 🥺🥺 so hannahaki AU also OOC so bare with me

Third Person POV
Kokichi was absolutely mortified by what he saw. As he coughed pastel blue flower petals spouted out his thin throat. The pink blood splattered his white uniform.

He was luckily in his room during the occurrence so no one saw what had happened. It felt like a fever dream to him, it felt so unrealistic and surreal.

The morning announcement had played and they were all forced to go to the gym for a "surprise". Monokuma had announced another motive had taken place.

But of course this one was much more serious for strange reasons. Monokuma had explained that in this motive someone picked randomly has been placed with a disease. Well known as a "unrequited love disease".

But the scientific term for it is the hannahaki disease, since the well known name doesn't really roll off the tongue. He explained the disease makes the victim start coughing and gagging out flowers and petals.

There were stages of the disease as well. The first one is just coughing and petals, droplets of blood but nothing too severe, the second stage is coughing out the full flowers instead of just petals.

The third stage makes thorns and flowers sprout out of your skin. The only ways you can recover from this atrocious disease is getting surgery or your unrequited love is returned.

The surgery removes the flowers and petals from your skin and body. But the consequences are losing your feelings for that one oh so special person.

Those fluttering feelings made Kokichi's life interesting though. He felt as if he needed to keep them alive so he could feel something in his life.

His life had always been so boring. Which caused him to lie to make it more interesting. Feeling such a heart wrenching emotion made him feel sane. It made him feel normal.

He then knew how it was to love. It felt so nice to him. It was warm and welcoming at first. But, he then knew the harsh truth of it.

His first love and maybe final love. The detective himself Shuichi Saihara. He loved him so much. His heart melted at the thought of him.

He did very well concealing his lovesick demeanor. No one even noticed a difference about him. Well maybe a few people but they didn't say anything about it.

Kokichi then walked in on Shuichi the love of his life, making out with Kaede Akamatsu. The ultimate pianist. His heart shattered. (i'm so sorry Kaede i love you bby)

This whole time he'd been seeing things through rose colored lenses. He was so busy fussing over Shuichi Saihara he didn't even bother thinking about Saihara himself.

His world broke down right in front of him. Shuichi was practically the cogs in his life. Those cogs kept his life going and flowing like a river.

But in the moment he was too afraid. He always was. Now back to the present. He got the hannahaki disease. Found out it was a motive.

No one got told who had it though. So Kokichi sat in his room. Coughing out the elegant petals. He tried his very hardest to try and hide the truth that his luck wasn't doing him justice.

Not that he had any. But a few days in he couldn't take it anymore. He felt as though he'd go insane if he has to go through his days like this.

So he went to Kirumi and Rantaro, coincidentally in the same place talking to each other. He explained that he had it and desperately needed their assistance.

They were quick to help. Always walking him to the bathroom and comforting him. He honestly don't know what he'd do without them.

The unfortunate part of this was that he couldn't drink his beloved carbonated sodas. Kirumi informed him that it would make the disease even worse.

That disappointed him but hey it made him fuzzy and warm inside knowing that people do care for him. Since Kokichi couldn't really talk to anyone else besides them.

Or he'd have a coughing fit, he'd been very touch starved. Rantaro fixed that though. Since Rantaro's brotherly nature and experience he's very good at comforting others.

So he'd cuddle and hug Kokichi while playing with his hair. This satisfied Kokichi. So ever since then he'd call Amami big brother.

Rantaro was very flattered to say the least. One day him and Amami were just investigating the students and sorted them into groups on if they were the mastermind, probably, or not at all.

Then Kokichi started gagging and Rantaro had his older brother instinct kick in and swooped Kokichi up and brought him to the bathroom.

time skip because i'm lazy 😎😎

Kokichi slid down the door.

He ran to the toilet and vomited all the blood and flowers out like a niagara falls river. It was not fun. After Kokichi cleaned himself up he returned and Rantaro had news for Kokichi. He had figured out the mastermind. 

"holy guacamole you did?!" Kokichi gasped and Rantaro swore he saw sparkles. 

"It's Tsmugi" (i probably spelt that wrong 👁👄👁 i'm sorry)

"oh my god" he thunk, 'honestly that actually makes a lot of sense'.

Another time skip because i have writers block

Kokichi POV:

I am so goddamn nervous. Today I'll do it. My hands are shaking so hard and they're sweaty as heck. But I will definitely do it. Here we go.

I walked into the room. Waltzed to Shumai and tapped his shoulder quietly. He turned around and looked down. A small group of surprise flooded his face.

"Kokichi?". I fidgeted with my fingers. "Uh Shumai can we talk?" I say as my face turns a light pink. "O-oh! Uh,, sure!" he said as he followed me.

Looking back I saw Maki staring me down. I swear I can see her eyes glowing. Frick. This is a bad idea. 

I gotten this far I can't wuss out now. "So Shumai,, uh ireallyreallyreallylikeyoulikealotandmorethanfriendsiwaswonderingifyouwantedtodate?" I say insanely quickly.

I felt my cheeks turn red, oh god I feel like I'm going to have a fever. Shuichi's eyes widened. I feel dizzy. 

"OH! Sure Ouma". He reciprocated the feelings. Oh my god. I don't feel like vomiting anymore. It's gone. Finally

I hug Shuichi and kiss him on the cheek.

his face flushes.

"Thank you" i say with the biggest grin.

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