~Chapter 9: Tour ~

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Hey everyone! Sorry it's been so long, I took a bit of a break, But I really wanna finish this book so I'm writing more of it lol. So in this chapter, we get a little bit of a description of what the villain hideout looks in this fic, since Toga's giving Uraraka a tour of it. I'm also gonna try to include the clothes shopping in this chapter as well. For some reason i'm sad and feel like a failure rn but that's not important lol. Anyways, hope you enjoy this! ~Author-chan <3

Uraraka pov:

"C'mon Ura! We'll start upstairs!" Toga drags me upstairs, pointing out each bedroom and who it belongs to. The only rooms she deemed important enough for me to go inside of was Twice's, the extra bedroom, and of course her's. She dragged me around for about 45 minutes showing me where everything was. The second floor seemed to only have the bar, living room, and bathroom. The basement however, had two jail cell type rooms, Kurogiri's room, an extra room, and obviously the large main part of the basement, which has a table and chairs as well as a washer and dryer in the far corner. There's also a very tiny closet full of knives and guns and stuff. Other than that and the jail cell like rooms, its a pretty normal seeming 'house'. Not a bad place to live, if you aren't tied to a chair or in a jail cell room that is. After the tour, we kinda just hung out. She put a movie on, and put my hair in buns, because she likes it when Dabi does hers. After the movie though, she sprung up from the bed. "Ura! Ura!" she says, jumping up and down, her blonde space buns bouncing with each jump. "Hm? What's up?" I ask, confused as to what has her so excited. "We gotta take you clothes shopping! Remember?!" she says, finally standing without jumping. "I don't know, Toga. Clothes are expensive..." I reply, uneasy with the idea of her spending money on me. "...Oh. Don't worry about it, though. I really have nothing else to use my money on, mamagiri buys me pretty much everything." she informs. I hold off my question of where she gets her money and look her in the eyes. She really seems like she wants me to go, and I do really like watching her shop. I nod slowly. "Yeah, ok. Let's go." I say with a small smile. "Yay!! C'mon then!"

When we got to the store Toga started picking things out for me immediately. "Do you like this one?" She asks, holding up a pink dress. "Whatever you like, I like." I reply with a soft smile. She giggles and throws it into the cart.  We continued shopping for a while, but I think the most entertaining part of it all had to be watching her eyes light up at every little thing, and seeing how excited she got when she found something she liked. Her smile and how wide her electric yellow eyes go while she bounces with excitement, asking me what I think. It makes me so... happy to see her like that. It makes me happy to be her friend. I'm snapped from my thoughts by a pile of clothes being shoved into my arms, Finding Toga was the one who put them there. "Here! Go try these on!" She says, beaming with excitement and pointing to the changing rooms. I let out a small giggle and nod, walking towards them. "Ok." I giggle out.

After trying on clothes and deciding which ones to get, we rung up and left the store. The sun is setting now, leaving the sky a beautiful mix of orange and pink. After walking a bit more, Toga pulls my sleeve to get my attention. "Yeah?" I ask, looking towards her. "LOOK, URA! SNOW CONES! CAN WE GET SOME?!" She says, pointing at the stand and jumping up and down like a child. "I mean, we need to get back, but if you want to, it's your money, so sure." I answer, not expecting Kurogiri to be the type to be fine with us skipping dinner again. She grabs my hand and drags me to the stand, standing in line behind a mother and her son. "What flavor do you want?" She asks. "Oh...I don't want any. Thank you though!" I say, earning myself a look from Toga. "Is Strawberry ok, then?" She asks, but before I could respond, we moved forward in line and she was already ordering a pineapple and a Strawberry. When she handed me mine, we started walking again. "Look! Our snow cones match us! Pink is your favorite color and mine is yellow cause my hair's blonde!" She says, her mouth still full. I giggle and nod.

When we got back we were met by an angry looking Kurogiri. "HIMIKO! YOU GUYS SKIPPED DINNER AGAIN?!" And it seems I was right.

Hi! This chapter really sucked and it was short but I just couldn't really be bothered with it. Sorry again for taking a break, I promise I'm back now! I'll try to write more of this book soon, but I also wanna work on the book in my drafts too! Anyways, I hope you liked this despite how crappy it is! See you all next chapter! ~Author-Chan 💖

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