~Chapter 11: Back to school~

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Hii everyone! So sorry about the wait for this chapter! I'm trying my best but writing anything takes a while for me. Anyways thanks for reading! Hope you like this chapter!~Author-chan<3

Uraraka Pov:

I've been with the league "kidnapped" for about a month. I feel bad that I've worried my friends for this long, but Toga and I have gotten super close. I'd consider her my best friend, we're even closer than I am with any of my friends at Ua. Unfortunately though, I'm supposed to go back  today. Meaning I'll be away from Toga, bombarded by worried friends, and back into my awkward relationship with Tsuyu.  Before I could continue feeling sorry for myself, I hear a knock at the door. "Come in!" I say. "Ura! Ura, guess what?!" Toga says, excitedly entering our room.  I perk up at the sound of her voice. "What? Did something happen?" I ask. "Mamagiri told me we can visit each other when you go back! I could sneak into your dorm, or you could come see us back here!" She says. "Wait, Really?! That's Amazing! I'll still miss you though..." I respond, trailing off at the end. "I'll miss you too but we'll still get to see each other and maybe you can sleepover here during the weekends! It'll be fun!" She says, still smiling and just as excited. I smile too. "Yeah, It sounds fun!"  I say.  She nods. "So, you ready? Mamagiri's gonna make sure you have everything." She informs. "Yeah, I'm ready." I reply. "You know the way, right?" She asks, tilting her head like a lost puppy. I let out a giggle. "Yes, Toga. I know the way." I answer. Her smile grows wider. "Good. And hey, If you miss me, you can text me. Or call me." She says. I nod. "I will. And Toga?" I ask. She hums in response. "You'll always be my best friend and this will always be my second home." I tell her honestly. "Aw! You'll always be my best friend too! Speaking of, You can call me Himiko if you want." She says. "U-Uh yeah Ok! You call me Ochako then." I say, earning another nod in response.   "Ochako! Time to go!" I hear mamagiri call from downstairs.  Toga and I hug and say our good byes and I go downstairs to leave. 

I'm finally back here at Ua. I'm nervous to be back, especially because everyone's been worried for me, but i'm glad they won't be worried any longer.  I slowly open the door to class 1a, and all heads turn to me. Everyone stays silent. "Uraraka, You're back." I turn my head to the booming voice seeing that my homeroom teacher is the one it belongs to. I nod nervously. "U-uhm yeah." I reply. "A small group of pros including myself have been looking for you for almost a month, Uraraka. Where were you, and how did you get back?" He asks. I direct my attention to the floor and play with my fingers. "I was kidnapped."  I answer. He sighs. "We're glad to have you back kid. We'll talk more about this later. Now please take your seat." he says. I nod and sit at my desk. Instead of paying attention to the lesson though, I let my eyes scan the room, and stop on a specific greenette. Tsuyu. She's alive and ok.  I softly smile to myself, glad that She's alright.  I turn my attention back to the lesson, and try to follow along. 

~Time skip to lunch time~

Still uraraka's pov:

I sit spaced out in my desk, before being snapped from my thoughts by Deku informing me its lunch time. I turn my head to the group of students standing next to my desk. Deku, Iida, Momo and Tsuyu. I stand up and pack my stuff up, turning back to the group. "Where's Todoroki?" I ask. "Oh yeah, He and Kachaan are already at lunch. They're actually waiting for me, I wanted to be one of the first to say how glad we are to have you back though! We all missed you a lot!"  Deku answers. I nod. "Thank you! Its...good to be back." I say. "Group hug!" Momo calls, causing all four students to hug me tightly. I laugh lightly, this is the first time i've genuinley been glad to be back. After the hug is over, iida proposes we all head to lunch, and everyone aside from Tsuyu and I go. She told me she wanted to talk to me. I still feel a bit uneasy talking to Tsuyu alone but I know it'll be ok so I stay put. Before she could say anything though, I find myself wrapping my arms around her in a tight hug.We stayed hugging for a minute, before i ended it.  "Sorry, I'm just so happy your alright." I say. "Same for you." she replies, a small sad looking smile resting on her face. She sounds and looks so...depressed.  "Are you...ok?" I ask cautiously.  "Huh? Yeah, I'm...I'm fine." She replies. I nod, waiting for her to tell me what she wanted to say. "I'm...breaking up with you. I'm sorry, I Just don't think...it'll work out. We were better as friends." She says. I take a second to think. "Yeah, you're right. We were better as friends, and because of the whole villain thing it would be hard to go back to a relationship anyways. It's totally ok, as long as we can still be friends!"  I say. "Yeah...of course." She says, shining the same bittersweet smile as before. "We should probably get to lunch then, right?" I ask, she just nods and follows me out to the cafeteria. 

Hi! Sorry this chapter is up so late and isnt as long as usual! Also I'm aware its kinda similar to Tsuyu's comeback but It just turned out how It turned out I guess. Next chapter will be pretty angsty so prepare yourselves.  Anyways I don't know what else to say so um, thx for reading, see you next chapter! ~Authour-Chan (Bunny) <3

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