~Chapter 14: questioning ~

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Hello and welcome to Bunny spends all her time writing this book, pt 3? 4? Idk. Anyways, enjoy this chapter! ~Author-Chan (Bunny) 💖

Uraraka Pov:

As soon as I get to class, Aizawa pulls me aside and to principal  Nezu's office. I sit down, confused as to why I'm here. "Uraraka, we'd like to ask you a few questions about your supposed kidnapping." Aizawa explains, sitting down next to me at Nezu's desk. Nezu hums. "Would you like some tea?" He asks me. I shake my head. "Ok, well, I suppose our first question is, have you talked to your parents since you got back?" Nezu asks. "N-no, I haven't sir." I reply, nervous as ever. "Ok, Do you know the names of any of your kidnappers?" Aizawa asks. I shake my head again. "And how did you...get out?" Nezu asks. "They dumped me A block from UA."  I reply, trying not to make my lie seem obvious.  "Anything to identify your kidnappers?" Aizawa asks. "I'm not sure, I didn't actually seem them much." I answer. "Hm, well, we don't want to overwhelm you with questions, so is there anything you'd like to tell us about your kidnapping?" Nezu asks. "I don't think so. I don't know really anything about my kidnappers, nor why they just left me a block from here and didn't come back. I didn't give them any information but I didn't get any information from them either." I say. They both nod. "Would you be willing to fill out a survey with questions about your kidnapping? If so, we'll  get one made for you at a later date." Aizawa says. "Ok, Yeah, I'd fill one out." I say.  "Alright, and lastly, do you think the events that occurred during your kidnapping is something you need to discuss with UA's counselor?" Nezu asks. "No, actually, I have a journal that is really therapeutic for me, and I think I'm getting better on my own." I answer, just now feeling the guilt of lying to them. "That's good to hear! Now, unless there is something else you'd like to discuss, you should get to class!" Nezu says. "Yeah, um I actually have a question." I say, thinking of Himiko. Nezu hums in response. "How do we know that villians are...bad?" I ask. "No one said villains were bad Ochako, Villain's actions are bad." Nezu replies. I nod. "What if we tried talking to them though? They...might be good people." I say. Nezu just stares at me blankly. "Villains are broken Ochako." Aizawa says. I find myself starting to get offended on Himiko's behalf. "They may be broken, but that doesn't mean they can't be good people." I state firmly. "What has gotten into you?! They're horrible! They attacked incident students and heroes on mutiple occasions!" Nezu says. I turn to him.  "You don't know that! Heroes aren't always incident either!" I say. I calm down when Aizawa puts his hand up. "Ochako...you're working to fight against villains." He informs me softly, with a concerned and gentle face. I nod slowly, sadly. "...I know." I respond, hanging my head. I'm starting to think I'm fighting on the wrong side. The heroes were the same people who pushed Himiko to being a villain by rejecting her for her quirk. The heroes refuse to treat villains like people in any regard. But I need the money for my family and I'm sure being a pro will get me more money. I'm pulled from my thoughts by Nezu clearing his throat. I turn to look at him. He eyes me skeptically. "Ochako...are you...working with villains at all?" He asks. I quickly shake my head. "No! Of course not! It was just a thought that came to mind. Guess I have too much faith in humanity, even with villains." I say. Nezu nods slowly. "You both should get to class then." He says. I follow behind Aizawa without another word, and head to class. 

~Lunch time~

I pack up and walk with Iida, Momo, and Tsuyu to lunch. Tsuyu seems way more down lately if that's possible. She also leaves every day in the middle of lunch and doesn't come back until class, or did yesterday. I sit down next to Momo. "Hey, so what did Aizawa want to talk to you about?" she asks. "Oh, him and Nezu were asking me about my kidnapping." I reply, playing with my food, without eating it. "Makes sense, considering you were gone for what? A month? We all really missed you by the way!" She says. "Yeah, I got that, it was mentioned once or twice yesterday." I joke. She giggles. "Yeah, we were just as happy when Tsuyu got back! We missed her too!" She says, nudging Tsuyu, but with no response as she's spaced out. "...Tsuyu? Is something wrong?" Iida asks her, concerned. She shakes her head. "I have to go." She mumbles, getting up and leaving. "Is she...ok?" I ask. "I...honestly don't know. She's been leaving around this time everyday since she got back from her family problems, so I'm assuming it has something to do with that. The last time Iida and I had a proper conversation with her, she collapsed in my arms, told us she didn't know when she last ate, puked, and then ran off. She was crying too." She says. "...'Family problems?'" I question. "Yeah, that's why she left." She says. I nod slowly. That's not true, the league had Tsuyu. "well, I hope she's ok." I say. "We do too." Iida says, and Momo nods.

~After school~ 

I walk to my dorm and walk In, throwing my uniform jacket on the bed. While doing so, though, I see a tan sweater on my bed, folded nicely with a note on top. I pick it up and read it. 

'Hey, Mochi! I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to visit you, but I found an extra sweater in my closet and decided to drop it off while you were in class as an apology gift! I hope you like it! It's super comfy! Don't forget to at least text me!

<3, Himiko.' 

A huge smile makes its way on my face and I grab the sweater, putting it on. Its just like hers. I quickly reach for my phone, and FaceTime her. Luckily for me, she answers. "Hey, Ocha! How was school today?" She asks. I look closer at my phone screen. "Himi, why are there bruises on your face?" I ask. "Oh, it's nothing, boss just visited a little early and...talked to us. He's gone now though! I shouldn't see him again for a while!" She says. I nod slowly. "I'm...sorry." I say, not being able to think of anything else to respond with. "It's not your fault! And hey, was that a new nickname?" She asks. My face flushes. "Y-yeah." I say. "Aw, Well I like it! I see you got my gift too! Do you like it?" She asks. "I love it! It's so comfy!" I reply, causing her to laugh. "I'm glad! I had two and we're the same size so." She says. I nod. "Anyways, was your day good? Tell me about it!" She says."It was...fine. It's better now. Aizawa-Sensei and Principal Nezu were questioning me about my 'kidnapping' this morning and I had to lie to them. The rest of my day was pretty boring." I explain. "Mm, well I'm glad it's better now! I miss you lots!" She says. "I miss you too." I reply. 

Himiko and I ended up talking for hours, and we didn't hang up until 3 am. I didn't realize how well her sweater mimicked her comfort. It's Not as good as her being here, but I'll take what I can get. It's quickly become my favorite sweater. My favorite thing, even. 'Cause Himiko gave it to me. Before I can finish my thought, i slowly drift off to a peaceful sleep. 

Hey people! So I ended this chapter with fluff too because a lot of angst is about to happen. Also, in case you'd like to know when this book is ending its chapter 24, i believe. I could be wrong though lol. Yeah I planned out pretty much the whole thing. And it's 4:13 where I am, but I don't care because i might be a little bit obsessed with writing this book. That's all! See ya next chapter! Bai!~Author-Chan (Bunny) 💖

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