Chapter 2

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Before I start it off, I'm not making POV's anymore, I feel like I'm better writing it in third person perspective. I don't wanna be rereading this and then reading a POV from Mattia saying "I slowly take off his shirt" idk I feel uncomfortable like that, it's suppose to be you reading them say it not- oh whatever 💀. Anyways that's all bye. ❤️

Mattia woke up with a bad headache, he barely remembered last night. What had happened last night? He stood up and grabbed a cup of water from the kitchen. He got startled by the sleeping figure on his couch. He got a closer look and saw that it was Kairi sleeping. He shrugged it off and went to the cabinet to get some pain killers. He drank his water and stared at his wall trying to remember what had happened last night. He had a good time with some girls, he drank a lot, and then Robert's dad came by and kicked them all out but him and Kairi snuck out of there. That's probably why Kairi's here.

Something was off though, he couldn't think of it yet. He's pretty sure he had a rough make out session with a girl since his lips were swollen, but that's all he supposed. He looked down and smirked, that girl must've really turned him on, he should change his sweatpants though before anyone noticed. Might as well take a shower before trying to wake up Kairi. He took off his pants and shirt and stared in shock at himself through the mirror. His stomach was full of hickeys trailing down to the waist. "Jesus. I must've had a real good damn time with that girl"  He turned on the shower and stood there silently trying to remember which girl he had talked to last night was the one who did this to him.

That's when it hit him. The more time he spent in the warm shower thinking about what happened, the more he remembered. "It was a guy..... I almost did it with a guy....." the face was still a blur to Mattia. He didn't mind it though, he hid the fact that he was bisexual to the others, he didn't want the others to look down on him for being 'weird'. And if that guy made him feel that good then, damn, they must be good. Though his visions were still a blur he bit his lip as more memories came back to him. How he grabbed that guy by the waist and pulled him closer. How the guy tugged on his hair and bit his lip. When they got to his room and continued a little bit more before-.

"Holy shit." Mattia stepped out of the shower pulling his hair back in disbelief. They arrived to his home on his bed, continued making out before the boy fell asleep and Mattia took him to the couch... Mattia couldn't believe it. He couldn't place his thoughts together as the face of the boy became more clear. He hadn't just tried to fuck any dude. He tried to fuck Kairi, his best friend, his Mano a mano, his best buddy, his ride or die, it was all so surreal. Would Kairi remember all of it too?  Mattia blushed a dark shade of red, thinking of everything that happened but with Kairi's face now visible. He changed into his clean clothes and stepped out into the living room to wake up Kairi.

Mattia hovered over the sleeping body. The small boys peaceful face was so cute. Mattia wondered what he was dreaming of. Knowing that last night was a one in a lifetime moment he took in all the details. He loved the small boy. Ever since they met. But never brought himself to believe it. He was scared of what would happened if he admitted his feelings toward Kairi. Mattia blushed as the small boy nibbled on his own finger, mumbling out a few words before falling back to total silence. Mattia was determined to make Kairi his, now more than ever, he needed Kairi.

"Wake up Kai..." Mattia softly shook the boy. Kairi slowly fluttered his eyes opened staring at the tall boy with surprise, his headache hurting like a bitch once he stood up. "How did I get here?" Kairi looked around, acknowledging the familiar surroundings. Mattia blushed "you got pretty wasted last night, I had to take you to my house." He fumbled with his fingers while avoiding eye contact with the small boy.  Mattia went to his cabinet and took out some pain killers and some water from the fridge, he handed them to Kairi. Mattia got a text from the group chat asking to meet up for breakfast at this diner so they got ready. Kairi had lost his jacket somewhere at Roberts house and asked Mattia if he could use one of his hoodies.

Mattia couldn't help but laugh at how big it fit him, but at the same time Mattia was dying inside, he was so in love with this boy, and seeing him in his hoodie made his heart flutter in many ways. All he wanted to do is cuddle up with Kairi and kiss him senseless.

When they arrived at the diner Alvaro, Alejandro, and Rashaun were just staring at them. "What's wrong?" Kairi looked at the guys while rubbing one of his eyes, still visibly tired. "What happened to you guys last night?" Alvaro asked putting down his menu. "What do you mean???" Mattia's palm began to sweat. "You guys went to the restroom to wash your face and never came back!" Ale crossed his arms with a look of disapproval, "you guys disobeyed me. I was worried sick!" Kairi was so confused he didn't even know he went to the restroom, he only remembered challenging Mattia to a drinking game and that's where everything becomes a blur. Rashaun simply laughed, "Roberts dad came back one day early and found a party in his basement, he scolded Robert all night!"

Kairi giggled and Mattia's heart melts. Kairi was too precious for this world. He is an angel that was given down to earth, Mattia's angel. Kairi chewed on the hoodie strings and stuck his hands inside Mattia's oversized hoodie. Mattia couldn't stop staring at this boy, no matter how hard he tried, he felt his eyes drawn to him. The boys were to busy talking to each other to notice the in love look Mattia gave towards Kairi. If only Kairi was his, and his only.


Sorry for my really short chapters. IM TRYING. 😂 I'm pretty tired since it's late and it's also a school night so yay. Depending on how free I am I'll write the next chapter down. Adios mis Amigos ❤️😳
Also I was too lazy to reread it this time and fix anything so if it sounded weird just take note that I'm really flipping tired and I have sleep to catch up on , okay now fr bye ❤️

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