Chapter 25

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Anyone live in LA or close to LA so I can send them a postcard. lmaoo. I know we don't know each other much but I just sent a friend a postcard and she received it and it felt so good and fun, let's be pen pals. I need some new friends anyways. But like- I'm not a stalker or a serial killer I swear on Jah.

Also can we have a minute to appreciate Harry Edward Styles because he's so pure and perfect i love him sm. Anyways here you go guys another chapter ❤️🥺

Mattia woke up with an unsettling feeling...
"Kairi?" He looked over to the empty spot in his bed. Mattia pouted and stood up, exiting his room and walking downstairs to the kitchen. "Baby you gotta stop with the leaving me alone in bed" Mattia mumbled as he wrapped his arms around Kairi who was making some breakfast for everyone. "What ever do you mean?" Kairi smirked. Mattia lowly growled as he nuzzled his face into Kairi's neck. He began to slide his hands down Kairi's waist. Lifting up his shirt and caressing the small boys soft skin.

"Matti we can't do this now. The others will wake up soon" Kairi softly said while the older boy trailed kisses down his neck. "Why notttt, I'm pretty sure we have time" Mattia seductively whispered into the wasian boy's ear. He slid his hand into Kairi's sweatpants and immediately smirked when he felt Kai's hard on.

"Well would you look at that" Heather stood in the doorframe with her arms crossed. Kairi jolted out of Mattia's grasp and coughed awkwardly. "Cock blocker" Mattia playfully whined. "don't mind me, it's your home anyways" Heather laughed as she filled a cup with water. Mattia shrugged and approached Kairi again with a smirk, but Kairi shoved him back. "Woah harsh" Heather chuckled through her glass of water.

"What's for breakfast" A shirtless Jonny came into the kitchen with a yawn. Heather choked on her water, very much enjoying the view. "Take a picture it'll last longer" Mattia jokingly nudged on Heathers arm. Jonny blushed and put on a random shirt that was thrown on the ground.

"Alright, ill go pick up chase from the hospital. I'll bring him here and then we'll discuss our plan" Mattia clapped his hands together to make the statement go through to everyone in the house. "Any questions?" Alvaro slowly lifted his hand up. "None, alright imma go" Mattia cheerfully said as he grabbed his car keys and exited the house.

Alvaro: 😢


"Chase" Noen hummed. Pulling a strand of hair out of his face. Chase softly hummed to the sound of Noen's voice, still with his eyes closed. Noen placed a soft kiss on his forehead and Chase smiled at the contact.

"Fucker Wake Up" Mattia stated making Chase's eyes shoot open. "Mattia what are you doing here..." chase groaned and sat up. "It's time for your check out mister" Noen giggled. Chase rubbed his eyes and asked for his clothes, 'I guess today is the day' Chase nibbled on his bottom lip.

Chase was all better and even felt like running miles, being stuck in the hospital was rather boring but Noen made it better. Now what was bothering him was, the plan. How the hell would they plan the plan?

Chase slid on his shoes and stepped outside the hospital. "I missed the fresh air and not the smell of wipes and medicine." He laughed while placing an arm around Noen's waist. Chase leaned closer to Noen's ear and with a low and husky voice he whispered "me, you, my house, on my bed, all night" Chase smirked, he was about to continue telling his lover his fantasies until he felt a large hand grab on to his shoulder from behind.

"WhAat are yoU gUys tAlkIng AboUt" Mattia smiled as he separated the two and stayed in between them. Mattia then changed his tone to a more serious one. "Everyone is waiting for us at my house" Chase felt a lump in his throat. He knows this is what has to be done. So that everyone can be Safe.

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