Chapter 15

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Guys 💀 you guys make my day I can't- sorry if some of you don't like Jonny. They became good friends too since Kairi was being a cute bitch and kept on avoiding Mattia during a long period of time, I mean why not. I also grew a soft spot for Jonny I'm sowwy 🥺. They just homies. Homie sexual bro's, issokay, Jonny full on shipps Mairi.

"Come on Jonny wake up!"
Sirens blared loudly. It was deafening.
It was Mattia. But he sounded so distant.


"Jonny come over here."
A slim lady in a messy bun called out to a small version of Jonny.
"Yes mum?" Jonny softly smiled.
"Did you make this mess?!" The slim lady said angrily
"No mum, it must've been Roy I wouldn't-"
"You lying bitch" The slim lady slapped him across the face "and you're blaming your sweet brother too. You're such a mistake. And stop calling me mum I'm not your mother you little rat." She looked down at the small boy with fierce eyes.

"I'm very sorry- ma'am" Jonny felt his tears swell up and he clenched his jaw, he didn't want to cry. Jonny was only 10, he had to know how to properly speak to his step mother and how to behave well. While his brother Roy, got all the gifts. Jonny was conceived from his dads first wife, the one he loved the most. His Mother died of an Illness and his father remarried two times until he found Mary. Mary had a son with him, they called him Roy, he was one year younger than Jonny. Mary found Jonny as 'impure' 'disgusting' Jonny wasn't hers, and she was jealous of Jonny, since her husband loved Jonny so much because he resembled his deceased wife he so deeply cared about. He was constantly beaten while his father was off at work or on business trips. He felt like a slave among Mary and Roy, he wanted all this to stop.

Jonny was a very humble and nice child, he wasn't the outcast at school. He had quite a lot of friends. Roy didn't. He was angry, Roy was jealous too of Jonny. Stealing all the glory. Even though being one year younger, Roy already wanted to fit with the big kids, the 'cool' kids. Jonny tried taking care of Roy. He cared, really. But he was just too stubborn.
Years had past and Jonny was a freshman, and Roy was an Eight grader, he was tall and had a nice physique. So did Jonny but he was a lil bit shorter. His mot- Mary would beat him continuously every day he got home from school. He was never good enough. And just imagine how his mom was when Jonny had finally came out of the closet in front of his dad and Mary.

She freaked out, she saw him as a pig, something way more less than human. "Homosexuality is a fucking sin you nasty ass bitch," Mary yelled as she kicked at Jonny, pulling his hair and hitting him with belt. His father was more understanding, he wanted the best for his son, he sought it necessary to give unconditional love and support. Mary couldn't believe such outrageous decisions.

The beatings got worse and worse, until Jonny's dad came home early from work one day to 'surprise the family'

He found Jonny sprawled on the floor coughing up blood with Roy and Mary coming out from a room with their hands all bloody, laughing until they noticed he was there.

"Honey, you're home early. I- I can explain" Mary nervously shuffled around, while Roy choked on his words.

Jonny's dad was furious. He never wanted to see Mary again. But Mary wasn't having any of that bullshit.

"You, YOU CANT DO THIS TO ME" Mary yelled at him.

"IM THE LOVE OF YOUR LIVE, YOU CUOSE ME, LOVE ME." She kept on yelling, by now Roy was scared, he backed away. I stood up and backed away also.

"You are not. And you've been beating my son. HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN BEATING MY SON."

"ROY IS YOUR SON TOO." Mary yelled through clenched teeth.

Roy began to cry. He never saw this side of his mom. Jonny was okay. He didn't like that bitch anyways. Mary ran to the kitchen, still yelling curses towards a Jonny's father. "Calm down" Jonny's father tried talking to Mary, but she was too far gone.

Mary grabbed on to the nearest knife and-
And she killed him, she killed him right then And there. Soaking in his blood. Laughing maliciously as she turned to us. "you're next you lil shit" she looked directly at Jonny. So he ran.
He ran

And he ran

And he ran

And he ran.....

"We're finally getting a pulse"
"Let's go another round"
"One two three, Go"

Also in Jonny's brain
When is my otp going to happen. Literally this slow burn feels so slow, author fr had to add in my weird back story just for a longer chapter...

Jonny awoke suddenly from the shock going through his body. "I'm alive!" Jonny touched himself...
😳 not like that you nasty..he felt himself regain his sight as he saw Mattia walk through the door. He was okay. He was okay....

"Man don't scare me like that again" Mattia laughed,
"Yeah man sorry, I thought I saw hell for a moment" Jonny laughed, but it was true... his childhood was hell.

"So man. I'm thinking. We break into the hype house, we find out what's happening, look for clues." Mattia waved his hands around In The air trying to explain the plan to a Jonny who almost died....

"Your crazy, I literally almost died and now you want me to go to jail. You going way too fast man." Jonny sighed. Too much drama in a day. "Why don't you just hang out with your pretty boy today?" Jonny looked at the clock.... "or tomorrow, damn it's hella late."
Mattia looked at the clock, "bro it's barely ten." "That's late" "fine whatever"

"Kairi won't talk to me," Mattia grunted. "Have you even tried talking to him?" Jonny looked at Mattia. "Uh, well,,,,,nooo...." Jonny sighed once again, Mattia was hopeless. "Talk to him man. I'm sure he misses you right now."

Emma grabbed on Kairi's neck. "*Weird girl moans*"
"Kairi, please, go deeper." Emma whined. Kairi thrusted harder into Emma. Feeling a drop of sweat fall down his face. "Fuck Emma..." Kairi laughed. This felt. This felt really. This felt hella. This felt..

Kairi looked back at Emma. She was enjoying this, sure she was. Kairi, not so much. If he had to be honest, he kinda wished he was a Emma right now, on the receiving end. But he'd never say that. He didn't want to believe it, he really fucking missed Mattia.

"*more weird girl moans*" Emma rocked back and forth on the bed. "Shh, try to be quieter" Kairi shushed Emma, "I think my sister is downstairs" Kairi thrusted into Emma once again, "mmm" Emma smirked. "Baby, let me try to give you a good time." Emma laid kairi down on the bed and climbed over him. Giving him a short lap dance as she headed down south. She played with Kairi's dick and began to lick it, "fuck Emma" Kairi tensed up. This felt familiar.
She firmly grabbed on to his cock and put it all in her mouth, kairi felt the warm ness of her mouth around his dick and he moaned.

She continued bobbing her head up and down, earning cute moans from Kairi. She played with his balls and kept sucking on his dick, to the point Kairi couldn't take it anymore.
Kairi covered his face shyly as Emma continued giving him a blowjob, it felt good he had to...
"fuck M-Mattia" Kairi moaned louder as he came unto his bed.

"Kairi... did you just call me Mattia?"

HAHAHAHAHAAHNHAAHAHAHAHA. GUYS IM POSTING TWO TIMES IN A ROW IM ON FIREEEEEEE 🔥. LMAO ANYWAYS.. sorry for the long backstory, give my manz Jonny some credit, he's been through a lot, AND OMFG THE- KAIRI- UH-

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