Chapter 9

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I'm for real trying to get as much chapters done, and I forgot to do my science hw so frickkkk. 😭😭😭😭 okay enjoy lmao.
Wait hold up how did I leave off the next chapter. 💀 imma go check.

"What the fuck is this?!" Kairi stood up from his bed, releasing the grip that Emma had on him. He scrolled through his Instagram, and tik tok seeing a bunch of videos of Mattia and what had happened last night. This can't be happening , Kairi thought as he walked over to his kitchen counter. Taking out some orange juice from the fridge and pouring himself some. "That can't be him right" he saved the video and went on Snapchat slowing down the video to see if it really was him, and it was.

Kairi tugged his hair back. He couldn't believe it. He felt angry, jealous, who in the world was this blonde guy?! Kairi scrolled through the comments, seeing how people were tagging a tik tok account who was suppose to be the blonde mysterious guy. It wasnt someone very popular. Kairi pressed on his @. @jonnycruz.... Kairi looked through his videos cringing and scoffing at the dance moves he would do. He went back to the comment section and scrolled down, shocked to see that a few people were already shipping them. Kairi couldn't stand the thought of Mattia with anyone else. But why?

Emma entered the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water and sitting down next to Kairi. "Kairi, babe what's wrong?" Emma held on to Kai's hand, rubbing it softly while looking at him. Kairi snap out of his thoughts, why was he so mad in the first place. If Mattia wanted to have se- fun with someone he could...
"Nothing" Kairi looked at Emma and smiled kissing her on the cheek softly.

Mattia on the other hand stopped freaking out. He couldn't care less anymore. People were being supportive and there were others who were just annoying. Mattia was thinking of making a video confessing he was bi, but he wasn't sure he was ready for all that attention. Ale invited the boys over to his house and hoped Mattia would come, they had a lot to catch up on .
School was starting the next day and things would be tough for Mattia once he stepped through those school doors. Alejandro waited patiently at his house waiting for the door to ring and hope it was Mattia.

Alvaro came with Roshaun, and Kairi came over alone a few minutes after. No sign of Mattia yet. And Kairi was pretty pissed off the whole time. That was until the doorbell rang and there was a quick glimmer of hope spread through Kairi, but it quickly faded when we found out it was just the pizza man. They decided to watch a series and wait. Then finally, Mattia arrived. He entered the house with a small smirk as he dropped some chip bags on the table and turned to the boys, his small smirk fading as he noticed the small boy on the couch.

Kairi stood up and smiled. Heading over to the italian boy, close to hugging him. Mattia glared at the small boy, he remembered the night where he found Emma and him doing stuff, this whole commotion was because of Kairi. Mattia pushed pass Kairi leaving him confused . "What's up Ale" Mattia smiled widely as he hugged Alejandro, moving on to Alvaro and Roshaun. "What are you guys watching?" Mattia grabbed the bowl of popcorn and sat down on a beanbag. Ale sat down next to Mattia grabbing on to his arm looking at him confused, "We're watching Supernatural" Ale finally said. Mattia smiled back at Alejandro and continued eating the popcorn left inside the bowl. Kairi slowly sat down beside Alvaro, holding back tears that were daring to come out. What did i do? Kairi sniffled slightly, to which Mattia heard and couldn't stand. Was he making his small boy cry?

While everyone's attention was towards Sam and Dean on the screen, Mattia got up from his bean bag and walked to the kitchen, grabbing more bag of chips in the process. When he turned he saw Kairi standing in the middle of his way. His eyes were glossy and pink and he was shaking. "Move Kairi, I wanna watch what happens next" Mattia tried passing by Kairi when the small boy grabbed on to his shirt. "Matti" Kairi sniffled. Mattia felt his legs weaken and his face soften. "What do you want Kai" the grip on Mattia tighten. "Why are you mad at me" Kairi's tears slowly ran down his cheek. Kairi didn't want his best friend to be mad at him, he missed their talks, something had changed, when did him and Alejandro get so close? Kairi hated the thought of Alejandro and Mattia being close, telling eachother secrets and calling them over whenever they needed comfort, that was Kairi's job.

Mattia turned to see the crying boy. Tsk. Mattia grabbed Kairi's hand, forcefully releasing the grip the other boy had on him. His hand was squeezing Kairi's wrist, earning a whimper. "Let go of me Kai" Mattia let go of the hand and turned around. Ready to walk away when Kairi started to sob harder. "What's wrong to you?!" Kairi whispered-yelled. "What's wrong with me?!" Mattia clenched his fist and walked closer to Kairi. "You just suddenly go and start telling Alejandro everything, calling him instead of me when you're bored, and today, you ignored me!" Kairi's tears came flowing down faster with every word said. "Goddamit Kai! You literally bring back a girl who is obviously no good, you ignore all the signs, you've only known her for a week and go and have sex with her like you've been craving her since forever!" Mattia's face was red with anger and his nails were digging at his skin. Kairi paused. "How did you know me and Emma had sex. I never told anyone" Kairi looked at Mattia one more time, his eyes flickering from him to the floor. "Mattia... How do you-" "DOES IT MATTER" Mattia began to sob too, remembering the events from that night. "That person at my window that night... It was you wasnt it Mattia" kairi had stopped crying, but Mattia had just begun. "Mattia answer me. Why were you there that night?" Kairi got closer to the tall boy. "It doesn't matter if i was there Kai, you wouldn't care anyways" Kairi wrapped his arms around Mattia, hugging him tightly, wanting to feel Mattia's arms hug him back, but instead he got shoved off. "Stop it Kairi. Go back to your girlfriend, I don't want to see your face" Mattia turned around and walked back to the living room, where the boys were there sitting silently, pretending they didn't just hear what they heard. Kairi was left shocked on the kitchen floor as more tears started to stream down his face, should he head back to the living room and continue watching the show like nothing happened? Kairi decided to make his way to Ale's room and just lock himself in there, sobbing his eyes out for the rest of the night until Ale came back and took him home.

He missed Mattia. Why was all of this happening.

I'm back!!! And with a depressing chapter. Once again, my parents took my ipad away and i'm not used to writing on a small screen, so if there's any misspellings I'm sorry 😚❤ okay thx byeeee

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