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Before we take off on a Stanley cup tour there were a few things that needed to be taken care of back home. Like that all of the things Rachel needs for the restaurant came in but she didn't hire anyone to paint and design and install everything. So me and a few of my buddies and Jeremy and a few of his friends decide to save a phone call and a lot of money and do it ourselves. Make the family owned restaurant family built too.

So I pull on my big boy pants and get my hands a little dirty. They already did the floors so we put the tarp down and start off with painting the wall a deep burgundy and putting up white paneling. The place started to come together really quick once the floor was set and the exterior was all done. We got the quick drying paint and the logo was still on its way so as far as the walls are concerned we were done with that. As they move in all the furniture I decide to add a little something special myself. I added the lotus flower that Rachel had on her locket and tattooed on her side to the wall right when you walk in the door. That way everyone can see it when they walk in.

"What's this" Jeremy asks me and I smile. He crossed his arms as he looks up at me trying to figure it out himself.

"It's a lotus flower" I start. "Rachel is quite fond of it. She actually has it tattooed on her and it's on the locket her mom gave her. It's her strength, proves that she's over come everything life has thrown at her. In a way this place is the same thing" I explain.

"You really love her, don't you" he asks me.

I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I look around. I see Rachel standing by Tracy as they plan things out for installing the tables and chairs. "I've won a gold medal and the Stanley cup and world championships and MVP, but the greatest thing I have is her. The greatest thing I'll ever have is her. She makes me so freaking happy, so happy. I can't even remember what my life was like without her in it. She's the greatest thing I've ever known" I admit.

"You going to marry her" he asks.

I kinda laugh as I nod my head. "Eventually, yeah. I mean we're not thinking about it right now. With the restaurant and me just getting started in my career we aren't thinking about all of that. But this is a forever thing. Hockey is a passion of mine but I can't play forever. I know that no matter when and no matter where I will always love her. Always want to be with her" I explain.

"Spoken like a true gentlemen" he admits. "You gonna ask me for my blessing" he wonders.

I raise my eyebrow at him as I start to laugh. "I'm sorry Jeremy, but I don't think you have a lot of say in this matter. She loves you but when it comes to things in her life like this she's going to do whatever she wants" I assure him.

"Yeah I kinda figured" he laughs. "If it makes a difference I would have given you my blessing anyway."

"Nice to know" I admit.

I finish the lotus flower and when I realized it looks like shit they assure me they will have a real artist come fix it. Once the paint was dry we put in the booths because that was going to take the most effort. We get a little dirty and have a little fun but it comes together pretty quickly. Eventually we get a break and Rachel breaks in the kitchen and makes everyone some food. We sit in the booths and look around at this place we're making.

"It already looks great" Rachel insists as she slides in to the booth next to me. I pull her into my side as she rests her head on my shoulder.

"I think we're doing pretty good" I admit.

"I want at least the booths finished before we leave" she insists.

"We will. I promise" I say. "I'm hoping we can have this all up by your birthday. We can open it then and have a few months before hockey is back have time to just bask in the glory" I insist.

"Wow, I almost feel like you're more excited than I am" she teases.

"I'm just happy I can come somewhere and always have a free meal" I joke.

"Of course you do. Because lord knows you still don't know how to cook" she shakes her head.

"Hey! I'm getting better" I pout.

"You are" she assures me as she cups my cheek. I smile at her before I pull her into a kiss.

"Man I can't wait to be away from you two for a while. Your love is sickening" Brandi teases making me laugh.

Since she showed up at our door she's been getting along with Rachel really well. They've actually got really close and I think they might be better friends than most full sisters. Rachel has had a lot of experience in the growing up a beautiful young girl in the city department and can help Bran through a lot of different things and Rachel always wanted a sister. Now that everyone in Jeremys family accepts her Rachel has been feeling a lot better about them being around a lot more. I hope that means her and her father will be able to stick together this time around.

After a long day of painting and installing we call it a night. It's summer so the kids are out of school and I'm sure they have a vacation planned. I know Canada probably isn't a part of Rachel's summer of fun plans but I think we're going to have a good time. She liked Vancouver and while my hometown of Winnipeg isn't as exciting as the Olympics there's some cool things to see there and my parents really miss her. I'm pretty sure they miss her more than me.

So after the NHL awards we were going to spend quite a few days there to bring the cup around and just get away from the city life for a little.

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