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After planning and arranging and making a lot of plans we finally make it to Paris. And while this was never a place I wanted to go I was happy we ended up here. My French was rusty but a lot of the people knew english so I felt comfortable getting us around. After exchanging currency and finding a ride we go to the hotel. We get settled in and try not to let the jet lag get the best of us.

"What did you want to do first" I wonder as I look through the pamphlet. There was so much stuff to do I don't think 5 days will be enough.

"I'm hungry" she claims making me laugh.

"You're always hungry. Even when we're a ocean away from home" I tease.

"Hey. Hunger is universal" she teases.

"Why don't we find a nice restaurant to eat at and look at the lights" I ask.

"That would be amazing" she agrees.

So she goes and changes from the comfy outfit she had on the plane. I stay in what I have because jeans and t shirts is what I do.

Eventually she comes out and I smile big

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Eventually she comes out and I smile big. There was some amazing sights but the one I see right now would probably be the best. She looked like a true French girl with the black hat on her blonde hair. She bought the stockings the night we figured out this is where we wanted to go. She was putting so much effort into this and it was so cute.

"Look at you" I smile as I grab her hand. I spin her around before she falls into my arms.

"How did I do" she asks.

"You look-" I pause. I look her up and down and I smile even bigger. "Stunning" I sigh.

"Well thank you" she blushes.

"Shall we hit the city" I ask.

"Let's do it" she agrees.

So we decide to go for a walk because if I learned anything about this woman is that she loves the foot traffic. I don't know what's she's going to do when she can't take the dogs on a run every morning, but I'm sure she will still drag me out of bed to run somewhere. For now we were walking and enjoying the new scenery.

I look over as Rachel was holding my hand. Her eyes searching this beautiful city not even realizing the truest beauty was within her.

As I watch her I realize that I would do anything for this woman. I would take a bullet, I would throw my life away to make sure that she was still smiling. And she would never ask anything of me, she just wants my heart and soul and that's enough. It didn't take me dropping thousands of dollars on this trip to realize that, but I certainly appreciate it more here.

"Why are you staring at me" she questions making me smile.

"Because you're so pretty" I admit. That wasn't as smooth as I would like but it got the point across.

"So are you" she teases and I laugh.

"Even with my playoff beard" I tease.

"Oh, that's rough" she jokes.

I let out a loud gasp just to see her smile, and it works. "I'm kidding" she assures me as I stop being so dramatic.

"Good. Because I tried my best and it wasn't a good beard but it was a beard" I defend.

"I kinda liked it" she smirks.

"Yeah" I ask.

"Yeah" she nods.

We find the restaurant Rachel looked up and get some seats. It was about 8 at night here and some places were closing but this place was open until 10. It was still pretty packed even though it was late which usually means the food is good. That's what Rachel's restaurant was like back home but she promises to stay open late for me and the guys once the season starts. We always wants to find a nice quiet place to eat after games and she insisted we come to her place and get some free food. No matter how much money you make you can never turn down free food.

After we order our food we sit and talk about where we wanted to go while being here. I just smile as I listen to her talk about the places she's always dreamed of going. Her voice was so addicting and I was obsessed with the way she laugh smiled. It doesn't seven feel like it's been almost a year. It feels like we're still getting to know each other and still learning. Like it's all still so fresh.

"I'm serious Jonathan why do you keep looking at me like that" she asks.

"Like what" I wonder.

"Like you're seeing me for the first time" she claims.

I just smile as I shake my head. "It's not that I feel like I'm seeing you for the first time. I'll never forget your face even if I had to. But I like seeing you like this. You're really happy. You're so far away from everything that held you down and now I just feel like you're..." I trail off.

"Free" she asks.

"Yeah. Free" I nod.

"I do feel free out here. Not because I'm away from Chicago, this place is nice but Chicago is home to me. But I'm still with you so in a way I'm home, just not a home I'm familiar with. I feel safe with you but I'm still learning new things. New beautiful things that makes me smile. If that makes any sense..." she laughs.

"It does" I assure her. "But I don't know if I want to leave if it means you lose your freedom" I insist.

"But I like being tied down. I love getting called into work and helping people solve problems, not be a part of it. I love going to blackhawks games and looking around and seeing thousands of people in your jersey. I love getting to know a family I never had.

Yeah there's a lot of ties back home and it won't let me have my freedom. But I'm tied to that city, to my mom, to you. And I'm okay with that" she smiles.

I reach over and grab her hand and I knew. I knew that I wanted to be tied to her too. Forever.

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