En presente simple,have got o has got significa tener.
We ➡ Have.
She ➡Has.
ItPara formar las oraciones "yo tengo..." se utiliza la siguiente manera.
Sujeto+verb have/has+got+estado de ánimo.
I have got happiness
/ai ab got japines/
(Yo tengo felicidad)He has got sadness
/Ji jas got sadnes/
(El tiene tristesa)Sujeto+verb have/has+got+artículo+objeto.
You have got a book
/iu ab got a buk/
(Tu tienes un libro)It has got an animal
/it jas got an aninal/
(Tiene un animal)Negativo:
I have not got a car.
(No tengo un auto)She has not got a pet.
(No tiene una mascota)Interrogativo:
Have we got a car?
(¿Tenemos un auto?)Has she got a pet?
(¿Ella tiene una mascota?)#Dataso:Es poco normal escuchar a alguien decir "I have got..." o "you have got...".Únicamente que la situación sea algo formal (como hablándole a tu jefe).
Lo más común es acortar las palabras,como les dejaré a continuación.Afirmación.
I have got➡I've got/aib got/
You have got➡you've got/iub got/
He has got➡he's got/jis got/
She has got➡she's got/shis got/
It has got➡it's got/its got/
We have got➡we've got/wib got/
They have got➡they've got/zeib got/
I have not got➡I've not got/aib not got
I haven't got/ai jabent got/You have not got➡you've not got/iub not got/
You haven't got/iu jabent got/He has not got➡he's not got/jis not got/
He hasn't got/hi jasent got/She has not got➡She's not got/shis not got/
She hasn't got/Shi jasent got/It has not got➡it's not got
It hasn't got/it jasent got/We have not got➡we've not got/wib not got/
We haven't got/wi jabent got/They have not got➡they've not got/zeib not got/
They haven't got/zei jabent got/
Clases De Inglés.
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