Episode I

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The Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was not hard to find.

Indeed, it seemed nothing on Earth was much of a challenge for the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn. After the events of Naboo - which he tried his hardest not to dwell on - he wasn't surprised that he found the planet to be rather simple. Earth's technology was years behind Coruscant's and the Force was weak, but the planet, despite its many inhabitants, was what the padawans would call basic.

Basic, Qui-Gon knew, was not always a bad thing. He doubted any Sith would make themselves comfortable in a place like Earth.

The man he had come inhabited a castle, located to the north of a country named Scotland. As he flew overhead Qui-Gon couldn't help but think how unlike the Jedi temple the legendary school of Hogwarts was. Not for the first time, he doubted the Council's decision to send him here. 

Still, Qui-Gon took great pleasure in discovering Hogwarts had a courtyard large enough to fit his ship. He landed swiftly and tried his best not to overthink his task.  

Qui-Gon escaped the pilot's seat and quickly took the stairs to the Headmaster's office, tugging on what he could of the Force to allow him to move faster. Upon reaching staircases that moved with a mind of their own, Qui-Gon did not hesitate before Force jumping, skipping the unnecessary steps.

He landed  outside the Headmaster's door. He didn't bother to knock before entering. With the Force, he sensed that Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore already knew he was coming. Just as he had been expecting, Qui-Gon found Dumbledore seated calmly behind his desk.

"Greetings," the Jedi  said. He didn't take the seat across from the Headmaster, but remained standing by a large window. Below them the countryside stretched into the distance. At least it was peaceful. The boy, Qui-Gon knew, could benefit from a little peace.

Qui-Gon was not one for talk. Not wanting to spend too long on the matter of why he had come here and desperate to return to Coruscant, he simply waved a hand before Dumbledore's face. The headmaster stopped talking and Qui-Gon managed a small smile.

"You will accept Anakin Skywalker as a student. You will teach him the ways of the Force," he said. "He is the Chose One."

"We have already found the Chosen One. A boy named Harry Potter," Dumbledore said, his voice wispy.

"Anakin is the Chosen One," Qui-Gon repeated with another wave of his hand.

Dumbledore wore a confused expression for a while, but he did not argue. The power of the Force was strong with Qui-Gon and Dumbledore stopped his lecture on why the boy was not suitable for his school. The headmaster simply took out a quill and began to write a letter of acceptance for Anakin.

In the courtyard where he had left the ship, Qui-Gon greeted his own former student, Obi-Wan Kenobi. The younger Jedi rubbed his beard, still concerned about why Qui-Gon had brought them this far from the Jedi temple.

"I have a bad feeling about this. I sense something is astray," Obi-Wan said.

"I don't sense anything," Qui-Gon answered, and it was true.

"You were right about one thing, Master," Obi-Wan said. He moved aside to let Qui-Gon into the ship. "The negotiations were short."

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