Episode III

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The class that Anakin had been looking forward to more than most was the first he was to attend. For once, things had gone in his favour. Defence Against the Dark Side was taught by Obi-Wan and although he knew the Jedi Master did not always see eye-to-eye with him, at least his bearded face was a familiar one.

"Hello there," Obi-Wan said as the lesson began.  "Now, settle down. You are here to learn a very important lesson. "

"But you're not a wizard!" one of the Gryffindor students said. "How can you show us how to use magic?"

"Chance Leelor Palpeetin," Master Kenobi said, "The Force is my specialty."

Defence Against the Dark Side was fun for Anakin. He bet many of his 'peers' in the duelling matches despite lagging behind in the written work. Using his lightsaber made Anakin feel important - like he could take on the whole world and then some.

Already he had been able to cut time from his years on Earth. A quick word with Dumbledore and a wave of his hand had Anakin bumped into this second-year class. Defence Against the Dark Side was reserved for older students, and he knew many in the class were jealous of his achievements, but Anakin did not mind.

These people were not important. What mattered was that he got back to Coruscant as quickly as he could, his training complete and his place on the Jedi Council secured. Anakin had a feeling he would soon become a member of the Council himself, where he would sit next to his former Master during the Jedi's gatherings.

His second class of the day was not as interesting - and the teacher less familiar. In height, the Charm's professor reminded Anakin of Master Yoda. Filius Flitwick stood on a pile of books at the front of the class, his high-pitched voice giving Anakin a headache.

Anakin found himself a seat at the front, far away from the Draco boy and his two overgrown friends. Anakin could not help himself from sitting close to the girl who had hair like Padmé Amidala.

She's not her, Anakin reminded himself angrily. This stranger was not Padmé, Senator of Naboo, but a hairstyle thief!

Accio was the spell which they were to learn, a simple trick which brought objects towards the one who muttered it. Anakin did not understand why his classmates were using slender wooden rods to get 'Accio' to work or why they called out the word each time they tried. 

He simply placed his lightsaber on the table and held out his hand, bringing the weapon straight to him. A rather strange girl from Ravenclaw with white-blonde hair and round eyes could not seem to look away. Confused by his skill, Anakin thought. And it was no wonder. He was far beyond the level of those in his class.

When he was finally free from classes, Anakin met with Master Kenobi. "I'm above this, all these spells and potion brewing lessons. I know I'm better than this."

"Calm down, Anakin," Obi-Wan said. "Why do I get the feeling you're going to be the death of me?"

"Don't say that Master, you're the closest thing I have to a father. And you're my favourite teacher."

Anakin had the feeling that the Jedi Master was not giving him his full attention. A blue and white droid had snuck into the office and his beeps seemed more important to Obi-Wan than Anakin's dilemma.

"R2 is right," Obi-Wan said. "You must wait a little longer."

Anakin bowed his head respectfully. He didn't like arguing with Master Kenobi but he knew Obi-Wan was wrong on this occasion. Hogwarts was too easy for Anakin, he was ready to head back to where the Jedi were really needed.

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