Episode VI

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Sitting in History of Magic, Anakin stole a glance at the girl who looked like Padmé. He watched her, completely unaware of what was happening around him. The way she wore her hair should have been banned - she was deceiving, a false pretender.

At the end of class, Anakin was summoned to Professor Palpatine's desk. The elder man turned his head slowly from his paperwork and looked at Anakin. "You seem distracted," he said.

"I am not the Jedi I'm supposed to be. I miss Padmé. I feel lost."

"Tell me Anakin," Palpatine said slowly, turning his head again. "Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?"

"No," Anakin answered. "It's all Obi-Wan's fault. He's jealous. He's holding me back!"

"Oh, Anakin. I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to enhance one's grades ..." Palpatine trailed off, waiting for Anakin to speak up.

"Is it possible to learn this power?"

"Not from a Jedi."

"From a wizard?" Anakin said in disbelief.

"Not from a wizard." 

"From a witch?"

"Not from a witch."

"From a Gungan - not Jar Jar!"

"No, Anakin." Palpatine snapped. "Only from a Sith Lord."

Anakin lowered his head. "I don't know any Sith Lords." 

Nothing in his life was ever easy. As a small boy, he had grown up as a slave, then he had left with Qui-Gon in hopes of a better life and Qui-Gon had left him here. Now he was at Hogwarts, so far away from the one he loved.

He must learn this power and use it. Only then would Anakin be allowed to turn seven years of schooling into one. Padmé awaited him.

"You know the Dark Side?" he asked, thinking of Obi-Wan's teaching. Since coming to Hogwarts Anakin had been trained in fighting those who aligned themselves with darkness. 

Padmé. Nothing that could bring him back to her could possibly be evil.

A wicked laugh escaped Professor Palpatine. "Anakin, if one is to study the great mystery one must study all its aspects, not just the dogmatic narrow view of the Jedi."

Sweeping to one knee before Palpatine, Anakin raised his head so he could look Professor Palpatine in the eye. "I pledge myself to your teaching, Master."

The following week was much more interesting for Anakin. With his private lessons from Palpatine, he felt he was finally reaching his true potential. Even Professor Snape had given him compliments during his last Potions class. 

On his way out to the great hall, Anakin bumped into R2-D2. He gave the droid a friendly pat on the head. "Don't be silly, R2. There's no need to have a bad feeling about any of this," he said in response to the droids beeps.

R2-D2 gave another deep then whizzed away, students moving aside respectfully to create a path for him.

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