Chapter 17

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•Chapter 17•

Colton's POV

Its been two day since Athena's been taken away from me. Leonardo probably took her. I have tried everything to get her back. My father said I should wait and attack him when he least expects it. I haven't slept in two days, knowing that my baby is out there unprotected. I've heard none of his pack members have been seen since they kidnapped my Athena.

"Colton, calm down."Xavier spoke calmly and I glared up at him. I was on the verge of shift.

"How the fuck can you tell me to calm down!? Athena and the baby are in danger and we are just sitting here!"I yelled. My eyes were shifting between black and brown. Xavier kept calm. His calmness agitated me. I just want Athena.

"All we can do right now is trying to keep calm and hope for the best. Leonardo won't hurt her, he loves her. She's somewhat safe. She's smart she'll get through this."He told. I nodded, trying to contain my wolf.

"I've never stayed this long without seeing her. Even when she stayed at her parent's house, I would try to get a glimpse of her through her window."I admitted. It was true. I had to see if she was safe. It's killing me not knowing where she is.

"We're finding out where the Moonstone pack is. The pack is doing everything that they can. Their Luna has been kidnapped and they are depending on their Alpha to get her back. You need to lead them."He spoke, wisely. I furrowed my eyebrows at him. I put my elbows on my desk and put my head in my hands. I groaned, loudly. I felt weak and like a part of me was gone. There was no way to explain this feeling. I just felt horrible and sick. Where are you, Athena?

Athena's POV

I groaned, waking up from a nightmare. Colton was with Claire and he loved her. Leo was there too. I looked around and saw that I was in a room. Something shifted and I realized it was someone's arm. I peaked to the side and saw Leo. My eyes widen. Where am I?

"Morning, honey."He kissed my cheek. I frowned and my eyes stung.

"Where am I?"My voice was hoarse and cracked.

"Home."He nuzzled his head into my neck. I pulled away, looking at him like he was crazy.

"Don't touch me!"I shrieked."You kidnapped me!"

"I wouldn't call it kidnapping."He chuckled and I scowl at him.

"How can you laugh about this? I want to go home!"I stood up and I began to feel lightheaded. I almost fell until he caught me. My hand instantly went to my stomach.

"Athena, you're mine and I'm not letting you go."He said, angry. I pulled away from his grasp.

"I'm not yours. I'm Colton's!"I denied. He growled and I took a step back in fear.

"Don't ever say his name again."He ordered, his voice deep and scary. "You're my mate, Athena."

"No, I'm not. I want Colton."I felt the back of my sting, tears threatening to fall. He backed me up into a wall, his arms on on either side of my head. His eyes were black and they looked deadly.

"I told you not to say his name!"He shouted, grabbing my arm while his eyes glared into mine. I struggled against him but his grip only tightened. He threw his head back and chuckled, darkly.

"Colton doesn't care about you."He told me. A few tears ran down my cheek.

"You're lying!"I cried out and he shook his head.

"He is still seeing Claire. You know when we would go out into the forest and talk, he would be in the school bathroom fucking Claire."He told. I shook my head and pushed his chest. I wanted to get away from him. Colton would never do that to me. He's lying. I sunk down to the floor and cried. I put my head in my hands and cried.

'He's lying....he's lying....he's lying...' A voice repeated in my head. He wouldn't do that to me. I continued to crying and whimper.

Colton's POV

I sat inside the car as I watched my Xavier and Leo glare at each other. Some of the strongest members of my pack were right by his side. We had a plan. Xavier was going to distract Leo while I got inside the pack house to get Athena. I found someone, very special to Leo, who is willing to help me get Athena back. She would help me get in the house.

"Ready?"I asked her. She reminded me of Athena. They looked exactly aliked.

"Ready."She sighed, frustration in her voice."But don't hurt him."

Her blue eyes pleaded. My eyes soften a bit only because she looked like Athena.

"I won't hurt him unless he hurt Athena."I said, my eyes darken. She nodded, agreeing. I ordered the driver to drive in the back. He obeyed and drove around back. We both got out.

"This way."She pointed to the open window. We climbed up to the window and got inside. We were a hallway.

"Follow me. This is were I use to go when I wanted to sneak out of the pack house."She told and walked down a dark corridor. After, what seemed like hours we reached a door. She opened it and we walked in. We were in a closet. I opened the closet door and smiled once I saw Athena. She was against the wall with her head in her hands. She was shaking and sobs came out of her mouth.

"He's lying.He's lying."She muttered, rocking back and front. I walked towards her and her eyes snapped to mine. They were red and puffy. I walked closer to her and she shook her head.

"Athena."I whispered. Her beautiful blue eyes widened and she scooted over away from me. I resist the urge to growl and took slow steps towards her.

"Leave me alone!"She shouted. I slowly walked to her and brought her into my arms. She shook and whimpered.

"Shh."I whispered and stroked her hair. She relaxed a bit and stopped shaking.

"We have to go. Now!"

The door opened and Leo entered with a glare. He stalked to us and I stood up.

"Let go of her!"He yelled. His eyes glowed as they glared into mine. I growled at him and stood in front of Athena.

"She's mine!"I growled, my eyes glowing red and my claws extened.

"No, she isn't."He snarled.

"Stop it!"

We turned to her and his eyes changed.

"Ellie?"He muttered and stepped next to her. She backed away and gave him look of disgust. Ellie and Athena were just alike.

"You hurt me, and now you hurt my sister."She shook her head. My eyes widen. Athena stood up.

"You're my sister?"She asked confused, taking a step to her. Ellie nodded and smiled at her. They both hugged each other while I just stood there. Ellie pulled away and turned to Leo.

"We're leaving."She told. His eyes softened and he sighed, nodding. She walked with Athena to the door and they both walked out with me following. Athena didn't talk to me, she kept her eyes in front of her.

"Athena please talk to me."I begged as we entered the pack house. She turned to me with red eyes and an angry look on her face.

"You slept with Claire."

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