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Hi my name is Hope Sanders and I am in high school a.k.a a living nightmare. There are these boys who bully me Taylor Caniff, the leader, Cameron Dallas, Nash Grier, Carter Reynolds, Jack Johnson, and Jack Glinsky. They have bullied me ever since middle school. I only have a few friends Matthew Espinosa, Mahogany Lox, Hayes Grier, Elizabeth Edwards, and Aaron Carpenter. I also have a boyfriend Shawn Mendes but he is on tour.

*Hopes P.O.V*

* beep beep beep*

I wake up to my alarm going off. I slowly drag myself out of bed. I do my morning routine then go down stairs and watch spongebob. I always skip breakfast because my bullies always call me fat so I am trying to lose more weight. While I am watching t.v I got a text from Mahogany saying that she is here to pick me up for school. I say bye to my mom put on my Vans got my bookbag phone and left.

* at school *

I went to my locker and as I opened it someone shut it on my fingers. I yelped out in pain, I around to see Cameron standing there laughing.

"Hey slut your hand hurt?!" He said

"No you ass it feels perfectly fine.!" I say sarcastically.



So this is my first book I hope you liked it so far:)

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