x. 1/2 couches

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Almost as soon as Sydney leaves, I pull out my phone to text the boys. I can't wait any longer, and I really need to talk about what I'm going through. It seems like everyday I fall deeper in and I am so lost on what to do. I feel like if I ask her out again so soon, it will be overkill.

to: tommo, payno, irishman, harris toyles

boooooyyyyss, pls come over. rlly need a chat and some fifa.

from: tommo

lemme wait for sydney to get back, then i'll be on my way.

from: payno

on my way, zaynie poo

from: irishman

im comin dude. see you soon

from: harris toyles

Coming. Be there soon, mate. xx

Thank god for my friends. Hopefully. I mean, they are always a little if-y on whether or not they are going to give me good advice. One day they can give me great advice on what cereal to buy and why, and the next they won't be able to help me choose matching socks. Harry and Liam and Niall usually do, but they might not be in the mood for my stupid antics.

Niall is the first one to arrive, in a smiling blur, radiating happiness and excitement. He invites himself in, going straight to my fridge for a pint. Of course.

"I haven't had the time to ask you about your date with your lover," Niall grins, resting his arm around me shoulders.

"If I'm being honest, it was amazing. She's so cute and pretty and fun to be around," I mumble, nuzzling into him a tiny bit. "And God, she put a rose in my hair and called me pretty and I've never liked being pretty but if it's from her, I really don't mind."

"Mate, you're whipped as fuck," a second voice pops up.

I didn't even realize Louis had arrived. I turn and frown at him.

"I'm only kidding," he smiles, ruffling my hair. "If you're whipped, she's whipped. God, she came home and told me every detail, down to the shade of brown your eyes were and how many times you blushed."

This sends my cheeks into a fury, as I grin shyly at the fact she really did have a good time too.

Harry and Liam come bursting through the door last, laughing uncontrolably. I send them a smile, as they join Louis, Niall, and me on the couch.

"So, what's the dilemma?" Liam questions, resting his elbows on his thighs and leaning forward.

"I just don't know what to do next. I'm really shitty at all this relationship bullshit. Even just the build up to a relationship. I mean, like I'm okay with going on dates, but as soon as you make me figure out when to ask her out without looking desperate, I lose everything all of my sanity."

"First of all, you were sane at one point?" To which I groaned, and had already decided that I give up. "Second of all, just ask her whenever," Harry shrugs, standing back up. "To be honest, she really fancies you, and she's too scared to ask you out herself. Honestly, she'd go out with you three times a day, if you asked."

"Okay, so ask her whenever, really helpful, mate. Um, what should I do next?"

"Take her somewhere fancy. That'd be nice, for sure," Louis suggests, following Harry to the television.

"I don't know any fancy places. A lot has changed since Mackenzie," I sigh, remembering the girl that shattered my heart two years ago.

I guess she didn't really shatter my heart. It just felt like it. But, with Sydney, I'm feeling a lot better about everything. I don't know how to explain it, really. Sydney just takes my mind off of everything. She's like a living, breathing stress-reliever.

"Go to The Belleworth Place," Niall suggests. "It's my favourite fancy place to take Pez to."

"When should I do it?"

"Ask her for tomorrow night. I could even get you guys through the back. Owen and Sean work in the kitchen, so you could introduce her to them to make it even better. The Maitre D is Brezzy, so he could even add the effect that you know everyone there," Niall suggests.

"Okay, yeah, could you do that for me?" I blush.

Niall starts typing away at his phone, and Louis and Harry continute to set up FIFA14.

"Louis, is Sydney free tomorrow night?" I ask.

"Yeah, she should be. Grab my phone and text her, if you want to make sure, before you book it. You can borrow my car, too, if you need it."

"Won't need it this time," I sigh, pulling out my own phone. "What's the verdict, Nialler?"

"You're in for six, if she's up for it."

to: syndey with a y<3

what're you doin tomorrow night? x

from: sydney with a y<3

nothing, why? x

to: sydney with a y<3

how does dinner at belleworth sound? :) x

from: sydney with a y<3

sounds like a plan. x

to: sydney with a y<3

i'll be at your place at half five. we'll leave at quarter to six. x

from: sydney with a y<3

see you then, zayn. i can't wait. x

"She can't wait. Oh my god."

"Zayn, it's so nice to see you this excited about a girl again," Louis sighs. "The fact it's my best friend is even better 'cause she feels the same way. But if you hurt her, I'll kick your ass. Just a mild warning."

"Now, enough of this romantic shit," Niall grins, drapping his arm around my shoulder. "Let's cuddle and play FIFA!"

I can't help but laugh, glad that I can count on my friends to help me out. Especially when I need them most.

. . . . .

fuck i love these boys so much wow they're so amazing

i feel like this chapter is what the boys would be like in real life. like they'd be really great when you really need them.

omg i am obsessed with tswifts album ive listened to it for the past three days and havent stopped.

and if you're reading this i love you a lot and if you like this then pls share it or vote or comment or just love me and be my friend idk

lotsa love, bella x

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