xlii. puppy

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"Please, please, puh-lease," Zayn exclaims, pouting his bottom lip at me. "I really want a puppy!"

"Zayn, I don't like dogs."

"But we'll get a cute one. Like a lab or a beagle or a pomsky!"

"A pomsky?"

"A pomerinian husky mix. Babe, please," Zayn whines, pulling me tighter against him.

For a couple of weeks now, Zayn's been asking- no, begging- for a stupid dog. He seems to be stuck on the idea of a cute little golden lab. As cute as they are, I don't like dogs. They bark and shed and pee and poop.

Zayn pulls the blanket over our heads. "Please," he whispers.

"Fine, but you're cleaning the messes and making sure that thing shuts up when we sleep."

"Oh my god, you're actually letting me do it?"

I nod.

"Babe, I love you," he exclaims, pressing his lips to mine.

"I guess I love you."

Zayn frowns, pulling me closer to him once again. "Can we go to get one today?"

"Yeah, that sounds fine. I could also stay home and clean, because your sisters are coming tomorrow," I shrug.

"Nope, I want you to love the puppy too."

"Zayyyynnn," I complain.

"Sydney, please," he mumbles.

"Okay, okay, I guess we'll just deal with it. Shall we go now?"

"Yeah, yeah," he nods, jumping out of bed with this new-found energy.

"Since when do you jump out of bed like that?" I tease.

"Since we're getting a puppy," he exclaims. "C'mon, c'mon! Hurry up!"

"You're really excited for this dumb dog," I laugh.

It's endearing, really. When Zayn's excited, he gets really energetic and fidgety. He'll start tapping his fingers or feet uncontrolably. Then he continually screws up his hair, only to fix it up again. He starts playing with my fingers, and my hair, until his finally gets the excitement out of his system.

Once we're ready, we head to my car. The drive to the breeder's house only takes a couple minutes. The lady, ginger-haired and hump-backed, shows us to different pens. One pen of the golden retrievers, one pen of the pomerinian-husky mixes, and one pen of black labs.

"If you're looking for a quiet dog, your golden retrievers are the best option," the lady smiles.

I take Zayn's arm, to walk towards the pen of retrievers. He turns to look at me, before his eyes dart back to one of the mixes. His eyes go all soft, and he lets out a light sigh. With that, my heart goes all soft and gooey and mushy.

"Go get it," I whisper, deciding on letting Zayn get this 'puppy of his dreams'.

He leads me towards the metal caged area. We both lean down, as he reaches forward to pick up the cutest puppy I've ever seen. He sits with his legs criss-cross applesauce, then places the pup inbetween his legs, in the space void of body mass.

"She's worth one-sixty-five," the lady sighs.

"That's a lot for a dog," Zayn frowns.

"We'll work it out, babe," I reassure. "We'll take her."

Zayn pulls out a stack of bills, giving the lady the right amout. She hands some back.

"I'll give 'er to ya for one-fifty," she shrugs. "Bye, girl!"

Zayn picks up the pup, extending her towards me. I press my hand to the puppy's head. Zayn starts to walk away with out new dog.

"Thank you so much," I nod, shaking her hand.

"Thank you," Zayn calls, holding the puppy to his chest.

"No problem, guys," the lady shrugs, ushering us out of her sunroom.

I get into the car first, and Zayn hands the girl to me. I hold her up, looking her in the eyes.

"Hello there, girl," I grin, sticking my tongue out.

She extends her neck, then leaves a big, sloopy trail of dog saliva up my nose. I giggle, placing her in my lap. I stroke the soft fur of the black pup.

"What should we name her?" I question.

"Uh, I think we should call her Lee," Zayn offers. "Come here, Lee."

She doesn't respond. "What about Fluffy?"



"Oh god, no. Let's name her Daisy."

"No, Daisy is a flower name. Lilith?"

The small dog barks at that. "Lilith it is," Zayn nods. "I like it."

"It's wicked," I giggle.

"Was that you trying to throw my words back at me?"

"Maybe," I shrug. "Did I use it in the right context?"

"Yeah, you did, honey."

"Just not well?"

"Not bad, but there's better uses."

"Like, last night was wicked? Or that's a wicked car?"

"Exactly! A puppy's name just isn't wicked."

I cover the floppy ear of the pomerinian-husky. "Oh, Daddy doesn't mean it. Lilith is a plenty wicked name."

"Daddy? Really?"

"Really. You're a father now! I get to test if you'd be a good dad."

"We did not procreate this dog."

"You don't procreate adopted children, but you are still their parents."

"That's different."


"It is."

"You adopted a dog, just like you'd adopt a child; it's the same thing."

"Whatever floats your boat."

"Whatever toots your horn."

"Build a bridge-"

"-and get over it."

We pull into the parking lot of a pet care store. I step out of the car, with Lilith settled in my arms. We head inside, and buy the necessary and not necessary dog items. Bowls, leashes, toys, brushes, bones, poop scoops, food, treats; everything we might need.

"I used to have a dog," Zayn breathes, as I take out my debit card to pay for our items. "Well, I've had a bulldog, and a retriever, and at one point Niall had one of them shaggy, curly dogs."

"I've had a goldfish, once. Named it Goldy. I was creative."

"That's more creative than the hamster Harry named Hamster."

"What a doorknob."

"Yeah, I know right," he chuckles, turning the the cashier. "Thank you, mate."

Zayn picks up the three bags, while I still hold onto Lilith. We drive home, where I start putting away all of the supplies, and Zayn gets aquainted with Lilith.

When I go back to the living room, I am blessed with the sight of Zayn playing with the small mix. Zayn is tapping his fingers on the floor, letting Lilith jump and park at them, as he slowly scoots across the floor. I watch his for a minute, before sitting down beside him.

"I love her already," Zayn beams, picking her up. "Lilith, this is your Mummy."

"Hey babygirl," I trill, rubbing my thumb into her nose.

Lilith barks in contentment, her itty-bitty tail wagging as she nuzzles into my hand.

"This dog is already my favourite thing I have ever owned."

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