Chapter 20-Awkward Encounters

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"Just breath, it will be fine"

Y/n smiles up at me as we walk up the steps to the front door. "Are you saying that for me or for you?" I chuckle nervously and she smiles wider, I feel her fingers lace with mine and I'm instantly calmer. "It's just dinner" she mocks and I roll my eyes before pulling her into my chest again.

"What am I going to do with you..."

She blushes a bit before exhaling slowly, my lips are a breath away as the front door swings open and y/n quickly stands straight. I groan

"You ruin everything...always"

Taehyung grins widely as he takes y/n from my arms and kisses her hand, again making her blush. I hated that.

"You look gorgeous y/n"

She smiles and mumbles a thank you, she's shy and it's adorable but only when I make her shy. I push Taehyung a bit and take y/n's hand once again. She giggles softly before I'm whisking her far far away from my obnoxious little brother.


I groan as I hear Taehyung running towards us, naturally he has no shoes on but he's dressed to the nine. I shake my head as he trots next to y/n.

"Finally you made it"

I smile as we round the corner and enter the dining room, my father is sitting at the head of the table like usual while Namjoon and his bride to be are on his left. "Sorry we left a little late so we ran into some traffic" my father is completely ignoring me as he gets to his feet and stares down the beauty next to me.

"Wow son, she is gorgeous"

Y/n blushes as we finally make it across the large dinning room.

"You're not so bad yourself Mr. Kim, clearly your good looks skipped this guy though"

My dad erupts with laughter as do my brothers, y/n smiles up at me and I shake my head but still mimic the sweet smile she's giving me.

"I love her already son, please come sit and let's eat"

Y/n smiles as my father takes her from me, he even goes as far as pulling out her chair for her. "Geez dad making me look bad" he laughs as he takes his seat

"Sorry son I know how much you love to do that on your own" I laugh a little as does y/n before I take my seat next to her.

"Is someone else coming to dinner?"

I ask noticing the extra place setting, Taehyung is already in his seat next to Namjoon's bride, stuffing his cheeks with bread. I feel tense when I see everyone exchange looks, y/n takes notice and grabs my hand under the table. Her thumb gently rubs the top of my hand as I look to my father for an answer.

"You're mother is here for dinner as well, let's not make a big deal about it"

I take a deep breath and glance over at Namjoon he shrugs his shoulders just as annoyed.

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