Chapter 24- Luna

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"What do you want to do today? We can do anything your heart desires, money is not an issue"

I smile over at the kid as we pull out of the parking garage to our building. Y/n had court today for the final say of who gets full custody of Luna. I offered to take the brat out and get her mind off of things but I had a feeling it was going to be rather hard. The kid tended to worry about the matter quite a bit.

"Do you really think everything is going to be okay?"

I nod feeling her eyes on me "I do, your mom is a fighter kid she's not going to let anyone take you" I smile over at her and she nods, she smiles but still has a bit of worry in her eyes.

"I'm serious, pick a place. Anything you wanna do today we can do"

She settles into her seat "Disney world?" I roll my eyes and she laughs "I meant in this country kid but I'd be happy to take you and you mom there if you'd like" her eyes light up at my words and I chuckle. She was pretty cute sometimes.

"Promise? Cause I've never been"

I watch as she holds out her pinky, again I roll my eyes but link my pinky with hers "Promise kid"

"Now how about we get some food first, I'm starving"

She nods before messing with the radio "You're always starving" I tsk before slapping her hand away from the radio. She laughs and slaps me back "You have bad taste in music, let me show you something good" this little brat.

"Yah! Are you crazy? Your ears broken? This song is a work of art"

She giggles as I turn the song up and sing loudly, I can see her shaking her head and laughing and I smile as I continue to belt the song.

My only goal for today is to make this kid smile and be stress free even if it was for a short while. She was a good kid and shouldn't have to worry about the shit her idiot father was putting her through.


After stuffing our faces with overpriced seafood we end up at some arcade. Totally my scene and she seemed pretty excited about it to, I made a bet with her that I could beat her in five games and if I lost I'd give her a hundred bucks.

Naturally though the brat said she could beat me at ten games and if she won she wanted five hundred bucks. I couldn't say no because well I'm me. It was my mission to actually beat this kid at one game just one so I can gloat about it for a bit.

Unfortunately for me the kid was kicking my ass in every game I chose, how was it possible for this little girl to be good at almost everything. It was ridiculous.

"Okay how about this, if you win this racing game against me you won't have to give me a dime. I'm starting to feel bad for you"

I glare as she laughs "Deal" still giggling she extends her hand and we shake on it before we play. I get a good start and take the lead instantly, so naturally I shout to hype myself up. I can hear Luna giggling next to me as she shifts gears and starts to gain on me.

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