La llorona - Part 2

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Dib decided to start the investigation in the place where the mysterious woman had last been spotted: Marine Delights, a restaurant that served everything with seafood, including the milkshake.

The whole way to there was silent, with only brief explanations of what they were going to do. Nevertheless, part of the animation had returned.

Once there, Dib pushed open the door and immediately felt sick with the smell of fish. There were few people at the tables, which was not surprising considering the menu: eel tacos, swordfish kebabs, seaweed sandwich, shrimp ice cream, squid soda… Dib heard Zim holding back the vomit behind him.

"The food of your people is disgusting" he managed to say before bringing a hand to his mouth again.

"Trust me, you're not the only one who thinks that."

Zim held his breath and they went to the cashier.

"Welcome to the Delights Marine, home of the most delightful delights" said the attendant without a hint of enthusiasm. "May I take your order?"

"Actually, I... " Dib stopped and looked at the alien at his side, his face was green with sickness (in this case, greener than normal). "We are here for information."

The attendant raised an eyebrow and looked around before leaning forward and staring at both of them menacingly.

"What do you know about the origin of the meat?"

Dib blinked, confused.

"Excuse me, what?"

"Nothing" he said, recovering his posture immediately. "What do you want to know?"

"Well... I heard that the mysterious woman was seen around here. What can you say about that?"

The attendant said nothing, just pointed up with his index finger. Dib was confused, but followed the direction with his eyes. Above them was the menu, and there was something written in very small letters. "Informations: 10 bucks."

"Are you kidding me?"

"That's the price."

The boy sighed and took the exact amount out of his pocket, placing it on the counter.

The man started talking while counting the money and putting it in the cash register.

"I saw her when I was taking out the trash. She was rummaging through the trash. She wore a white dress and a weird mask."

Dib took a pad and pen and started to write it down.

"White dress, mask… Noted. Anything else?"

"When I tried to shoo her, she started yelling at me in a strange language. I don't know what she said, but I'm sure it wasn't cool."

"Right" Dib finished taking notes and put the pad down. "Do you know where she went after that?"

"She ran straight into the forest with half of a seaweed sandwich in her mouth. At least someone liked the sandwich"

"I think that's enough for now. Thanks for your time" he turned his back ready to leave, but the attendant called him back and pointed again at the menu.

Dib narrowed his eyes and could see something below the last sentence, in even smaller letters. "If I have the answer: +5 bucks."

He looked at the man and frowned.

"Keep the change" he said, placing another 10 bucks on the counter and leaving the restaurant.

Outside, Zim ran to the nearest trash can and vomited. Dib had to look away not to do the same.

At least they got some information. Not much, but it was a start.

After finishing, Zim approached him, his color returning to "normal".

"Remember me to never follow you on one of these 'investigations' again."

Dib didn't show any emotion, but seeing Zim bad was oddly satisfying.

"Well, at least we know her appearance and location. And also apparently she likes seafood."

"And what are we going to do? Set a trap and use that disgusting food as bait?" Zim joked.

Dib thought about it.

"Actually, that's a good idea."

Zim immediately regretted opening his mouth.

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