Time Split : Episode One

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The sound of the Tardis mateirialising sounded over the waves crashing down on the beach below.

Inside the blue box, the Doctor was checking readings.

"Earth, again," the Doctor mumbled to himself. "I feel like it's almost always Earth."

"That's because it is almost always Earth," Stacy remarked as she walked into the console room. "I heard the ship land."

"I did too," Daniel walked in behind her. "Did I hear Earth."

"You did," the Doctor answered. "Shall we go out and have a look?"

"Sure," Stacy smiled as she walked over to the door.

As she opened it she was blinded by rays of light from the golden sun in the sky.

The Tardis had landed in some form of old abandoned structure, by a beautiful beach.

"Wow!" The Doctor gasped as he stood out and admired the view. "Seems I've finally brought us to a nice place."

"Is it opposites day," Daniel remarked as he stood outside the Tardis and looked at the light blue sea.

"Opposites day is paradox," the Doctor frowned and begun to explain as Daniel rolled his eyes. "If its opposites day than its opposite from opposites day so it's not-"

"Where are all the people?" Stacy interrupted as the Doctor observed the view once more.

"I dont know," the Doctor began to climb out of the old structure. He jumped down onto the sand.

Stacy and Daniel exchanged nervous glances before they too, jumped out onto the sand.

The Doctor saw a tatty newspaper buried under the sand so he ran over to it and checked the date as his two companions caught up with him.

"23rd of May 2020," the Doctor read.

"That's reasonably close to the present day," Stacy took the newspaper out of the Doctors hand.

"Nevermind that," Daniel scratched his chin. "Look at the headline."

"Dissapearences and Deaths at Spit Beach," the Doctor read the headline. "That's in Cornwall."

"Is that name meant to mean something," Daniel asked.

"That's the reason nobody is here," Stacy looked around her. "Because of the Dissapearences and Deaths."

"Well I'm sure it's nothing," the Doctor began to walk along the edge of the sea. "Just rumours, things being taken out of context. Why dont we just stay on the beach and enjoy ourselves."

They had now reached the edge of the beach next to a cliff.

"I'm not sure about this Doctor," Daniel shook his head.

"Why not?" The Doctor laughed. "Everything is fine."


The side of the cliff exploded, throwing the Doctor into the sand.

Stacy and Daniel protected their eyes from the brightness of the flame as the Doctor stood up.

"What the hell is going on?" Stacy yelled.

A hole was blown into the side of the cliff. It blended in with the beach and just looked like a cave.

Water dripped down from the overhanging rock in the cave as the Doctor ran through it, brushing sand off his coat.

"Doctor!" Daniel yelled as he took Stacy's hand and they ran through the hole after him.

When they were through they saw him climbing halfway up the cliff after a man.

"He must have blown the cliff up," Stacy pointed at the man the Doctor was chasing.

The man Stacy was pointing to could not climb any higher so he moved to the left.

The Doctor saw what he was doing and tried to cut him off.

The bomber jumped off into the sea and swam back to the beach.

Daniel dropped Stacy's hand as he ran back through the cave.

"Doctor!" Stacy yelled up at him as he jumped off and landed in the sand.

He jumped up immediately and ran through the cave.

On the other side, Daniel was pinning the bomber to the ground as best he could but the bomber threw him off and began to run along the beach.

The Doctor ran after him as Stacy went to check on Daniel.

The bomber started to climb over some stones on the other side of the beach when the Doctor caught up to him.

"Stop!" The Doctor yelled. "I'm warning you!"

The man continued to climb so the Doctor pulled out his sonic and pointed it at the bombers hand.

"Eh?" The bomber was confused. His hand was stuck to a rock he was trying to climb over.

"Right!" The Doctor began to climb up to the bomber. "What's going on?"

"Let me go!" The bomber yelled at him.

"How about a name?" The Doctor asked.

"Irrelevant," the bomber gave up trying to get his hand off the wall.

"Nobody's name is irrelevant," the Doctor frowned at him.

"My name is Harley," the bomber gave up. "Just please let me go."

"I cant do that until you tell me why you blew up a hole in that cliff," the Doctor sighed.

"I cant tell you or he-" Harley broke off.

"So you were working on someones orders," the Doctor bit his lip. "Who?"

"I cant say or they'll kill me," Harley seemed desperate. "I must remain loyal."

"I'm not going to let you go until you tell me who you are working for and why you blew a hole in that cliff."

Stacy and Daniel had now caught up and climbed up to them.

"What's going on?" Stacy asked.

"He made me experiment how powerful the bomb was," Harley looked as if he was about to cry.

"Who made you do it?" the Doctor asked.

"Goldbeard," Harley murmered.


Harley gasped as his hand detached from the wall and he fell to the floor.

"He's been shot," Daniel bent down to examine Harley's body.

"From where?" Stacy looked around.

The Doctor put his head in his hands. "I'm an idiot. I made him speak and he died for it. I even kept him still for an easy target. I might as well have executed him."

"There," Stacy pointed to a nearby cliff.

A gunman was visible, pointing a sniper in there direction.

"The gun is still pointed at us," Daniel observed.

"Oh dear," the Doctor murmered.


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