Task's Of Gallifrey : Episode Four

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The Doctor could see his navy blue box from a mile away.

"Quick," Jack yelled as they approached the box.

Suddenly an AMS emerged from underneath the floor.

It blocked their way into the Tardis.

"What do we do?!" Jack yelled as the AMS raised its arm.

"We cant go back," the Doctor panicked. "There are Daleks."


There was a flash as the Doctor slammed his head into the ground.

He got to his feet and observed his surroundings. "Oh no."

"Doctor?" Jack said with confusion. "Where are we?"

"We were hit by a blast of Anti Matter," the Doctor explained. "We went to its assigned dimension."

"We're in another dimension!" Jack yelled.

"Yeah," the Doctor frowned and gasped with fear. "And I think I know which one. The Dimension of souls. Past, Future and Present and some of them, can be lethal."

"How do we get back?" Jack asked.

"We don't," the Doctor bit his lip. "It was a one way trip."

"What?" Jack yelled. "Well they say that death is a one way trip and I proved them wrong."

"Jack," the Doctor climbed up a nearby mount of dirt. "I'm so sorry but we're both immortal."

"And..." Jack asked.

"Those souls are going to kill us over and over again for eternity," the Doctor turned back.

"Hey Doc," Jack observed the equipment that the AMS had brought through earlier. "Look at all this junk."

"Oh my god," the Doctor jumped off the mound and examined the equipment. "These are technical stabilizers. With my sonic I could alter them to be destabilizers. Dimensional destabilizers. It might take us a few tries to get our dimension but, it's worth a shot."

"Of course it is," Jack laughed. "We have all the time in the world."

A soul flew over the mound and contradicted Jack's statement. The soul wrapped itself around Jack's neck as the Doctor got to work.

"I'm going to need time Jack," the Doctor busied himself on some cables. "Can you do that for me?"

Jack gasped as he came back to life. "Of course. I'm the man that can never die!"

* * *

Once the Daleks had left the transport transmat room, the Tardis doors slowly opened.

Stacy stepped out and observed her surroundings. "Hello! Doctor!"

She left the room and went down the corridor. "Doctor!"

The door slid open to the treeborgs and grassland. "Doctor?" She shouted.

No reply.

She turned around and went down 2 differant corridors to another door.

It opened to reveal darkness.

She stepped in. "Doctor?"

The door slid shut behind Stacy as all of the lights turned on to reveal the Daleks in the centre of the room and the AMS's returned to their sides of the room.

"Daleks!" Stacy gasped as the turned and pounded on the door.

"Prepare her for testing," the Dalek Leader almost laughed. "She came to us this time."

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