Time Split : Episode Three

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"If people are coming through than absolutely anything can come through, from any time, from any place," the Doctor gasped. "This could possibly be the most dangerous place on Earth right now."

"Enough of your rubbish," Goldbeard turned around, holding a ray gun.

"One of your treasures I presume," the Doctor noticed the weapon.

"Yes," Goldbeard sadistically smiled. "And I'm about to kill you with it."

"No you're not," the Doctor pulled out his sonic and deactivated the weapon.

"Sorcery!" Goldbeard exclaimed.

"Whatever you think!" The Doctor smiled but that smile quickly faded when the gap began to grow. "Somethings coming through!"

A large circular object flew through the split a landed in the sand in front of them.

The Split got smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

"What's that?!" Goldbeard asked.

"Let's see shall we," the Doctor moved down the brittle rocks to investigate.

"You shall stay where you are!" Goldbeard yelled. "Or I'll kill you."

"With what?" The Doctor asked. "I wouldnt waste another gun if I were you. Well, if I were you I wouldnt use guns."

"Shut up!" Goldbeard yelled with fury.

"Oh dear!" The Doctor read the reading on his screwdriver. "This is a miniature Atomic Bomb. Set to detonate in an hour."

* * *

Daniel woke up, his ears ringing. He could taste blood.

"Sorry," he heard Stacy's voice. "I had to hit you in the face a few times."

"Dont apologise," he groaned. "Whatever you did got that thing off me, what even was it?"

"I dont know," Stacy left Daniel's side and examined the blob. "Nothing from Cornwall 2020."

"Then how did it get here," Daniel was confused as he slowly got up and examined it.

"Through a Time Split," the Doctor emerged from around the corner and joined them.

"Doctor!" Stacy was relieved.

"A Time Split?" Daniel asked.

"A controlled Time Split," the Doctor added. "A crack in the 4th dimension of reality. Really dangerous."

"How is it dangerous?" Stacy asked.

"Anything from any time and any place can come through," the Doctor continued to explain. "I think that's where your, blob came through."

"Anything," Daniel's jaw dropped painfully as the Doctor began to scan the blob.

"Anything!" The Doctor was shocked by his readings. "This is an early mutation from the planet Skaro, one of the first forms of a Dalek."

"A Daylek?" Stacy was confused.

"Dalek," the Doctor corrected her. "One of the most dangerous creatures in the known universe, if not that the most dangerous."

"I just beat the most dangerous creature in the universe to death with a rock," Stacy gasped.

"You also bashed my face a little bit," Daniel wiped blood from his cheek.

"Sorry again," Stacy smiled at him.

"Anyway," the Doctor turned around. "I found Goldbeard and he's been getting futuristic tech from the Time Split."

"Right," Daniel was struggling to follow.

"When you say tech, I assume you mean weapons," Stacy bit her lip as they started walking over to the other side of the beach.

"As far as I have seen they have an invisibility device for their ship and a few blasters," the Doctor thought to himself. "When I reached this side of the beach, I knew something was wrong because the density of the rocks decreases as you go across the beach."

"We all know what that means," Daniel remarked.

They approached the band of pirates surrounding the bomb.

"Are those, pirates," Stacy asked.

"Yes," the Doctor answered.

"What's that they're surrounding?" Daniel saw the circular object.

"An Atomic Bomb."

"What!" Stacy's face was full of worry.

"Its set to detonate in around 45 minutes," the Doctor added.

"Oh my god," Daniel was worried.

Stacy then smiled all of a sudden.

"Why are you so happy?" The Doctor asked.

"I'm a bomb expert," Stacy clapped her hands. "Its one of my main jobs."

"Brilliant," the Doctor could tell how vociferous Stacy was about defusing bombs so he just let her be exited as Daniel was a little creeped out.

"You like bombs," Daniel frowned.

"Its not that," Stacy rolled her eyes. "I just like the adrenaline and the circuitry."

"Have you ever worked with atomic bombs before?" The Doctor asked.

"Only in simulations," Stacy shrugged.

"Did you beat the simulations?" The Doctor continued to question.

"I wasnt head of the bomb squad for no reason," Stacy said as the pirates turned around.

"It is decided," Goldbeard smiled with malevolence. "You are coming onto our ship with us."

"I dont think so," the Doctor tried to avoid Goldbeards piercing gaze.

"We do," Goldbeard pulled out another futuristic gun.

"You really want to play this game again," the Doctor reached into his pocket for his sonic but this time, Goldbeard didn't give him the chance.


"Doctor," Stacy yelled as he dropped to the floor.



* * *

The waves crashed against the shore in the dark of night.

The milky moonlight shone in the Doctors eyes as he came to.

He was alone, Stacy and Daniel were nowhere to be seen.

The waves started to crash down more violently as he turned and saw fire behind him.

The glow of torches.

The pirates observing what was about to happen.

He suddenly noticed that he was strapped down onto the beach.

"Wheres Stacy and Daniel!?" The Doctor yelled but the cheers of the pirates drowned his voice out.

He noticed something was moving in the water in front of him, but what?

"What is that?" He yelled with fear as the pirates began to answer him.

"The Gods! The Gods! The Gods! The Gods!" They chanted.

"Gods?" The Doctor was confused.

Something began to rise out of the water, a colossal monster.

It screeched as the Doctor could seem to breathe. It was sucking all of the air out of him.

He gasped and began to sweat.

Why couldn't he breathe?

What was that monster?

Thunder clapped in the sky and faint lightning illuminated the beach.

The monster advanced on the defenceless Doctor.

There was nothing he could do.

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