The Forest That Never Was : Episode Four

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Stacy screamed as they both heard a thud from behind them.

Daniel continued to run and run but soon he realised there was nobody behind him.

He turned to see the Doctor kneeling on the ground, crying.

Stacy was in his arms.

"No!" Daniel yelled as he grabbed Stacy and shook her. "Stacy!" He cried.

"Daniel," the tearstained face of the Doctor looked up at him. "There's nothing we can do."

"We cant leave her here!" Daniel cried as Cybermen approached from down the street, half covered by the flame.

"DANIEL!" The Doctor yelled. "WE MUST GO!"

"NO!" Daniel hugged her dead body as the Doctor pressed his index finger and his middle finger on Daniel's forehead.

The fingers glowed and released energy into Daniel's forehead as Daniel fell unconscious.

He lifted Daniel into his arms and ran into the dark of the night.

Once he was sure there were no more Cybermen behind him, he broke into a house.

The occupants of the house werent there so the Doctor didnt have any trouble.

He lay Daniel down on a sofa and placed a blanket over him.

He pulled out the Tardis key and activated it.

Soon, the Tardis had materialised in the house.

"Where have you been?" The Doctor asked the Tardis as he put his hand on the door. "Guess you figured out where you were so you left. You're my clever girl. Just like Stacy was."

Then he had an idea.

"Hold on," he smirked to himself. "I have an idea."

He pocketed his Tardis key and produced the sonic screwdriver instead.

The door swung open as he ran out, sonic first.

As he approached the other side of the village he realised that the Cybermen had retreated.

There she was, Stacy was lying on the ground, camouflaged amongst all of the other casualties.

He lifted her up and took her back to the Tardis.

The Tardis beeped at him as he ran around the console.

"Yeah," the Doctor told his machine. "Prepare the ressurection casket."

* * *

Daniel woke up and to his surprise the Tardis was right in front of him.

He got to his feet and walked in to see the Doctor over a blue, glowing, wooden box.

"Doctor you son of a b-"

Then he saw what was in the box.

"What are you doing to her," Daniel yelled. "And what did you do to me!?"

"I made you unconscious," the Doctor yelled back. "I saved your life and I'm about to do the same for her! So drop the attitude."

"What is this box?" Daniel lowered his voice and tried his best to calm down.

"The Ressurection Casket," the Doctor explained. "Its an artifact I picked up on the planet Starfall. When I first picked it up it didnt work properly but since then I repaired it."

"Do you think that you can actually bring her back?" Daniel asked.

"Yes!" The Doctor had enough of the questions going through his head already. "But it will take time."

"Right," Daniel sighed.

"Let's leave," the Doctor closed the door and ran around the console.

"What?" Daniel stopped him. "We cant leave, that's my planet out there."

"And there's nothing you can do for it," the Doctor tried to avoid eye contact with Daniel. "The conversion and destruction of Azzuria is a fixed point in time so we cant change it."

"Why the hell not?" Daniel yelled.

"Because a major timeline paradox would form," the Doctor now made threatening eye contact with Daniel. "My planet is exactly the same, if I could save them I would but I cant because then the whole of time would be disrupted. Even at the end of Gallifrey, Cybermen were involved. The Master created a race of Time Lord Cybermen called Cybermasters, Cybermen that could regenerate. I had to kill them all. Then I found out that I wasnt even a Time Lord!"


The Ressurection Casket flashed with blue light making the Doctor turn.

Daniel hit the Doctor over the head when his back was turned, knocking him unconscious.

The Ressurection Casket continued with its task as if nothing had happened.

"I'm sorry Doctor," Daniel gritted his teeth. "But I must save Azzuria."

The Tardis furiously beeped at Daniel as he ran out.

"Ah," the Doctor came round. "DANIEL!"

* * *

"Full mission report!" The Cyberleader ordered on the Cyber Battle Ship.

A Cyberman marched up to him.

"The Invasion of the planet Azzuria has begun, starting with the major cities. We are targeting the weak points and building conversion chambers. This will succeed."

"Good," the Cyberleader announced. "I want an overview of the Capital."

A bright blue screen showed thousands of Cybermen marching millions of Azzurian citizens out of their capital to large metallic buildings.

"Conversion has begun!"

* * *

Daniel ran through the streets of the destroyed ruins of the city, running through fire to get to one destination.

Signs indicated a power plant on the other side of the city and he had an idea of what to do.

Shortly behind him the Doctor was following, detecting Daniel's every move with his sonic screwdriver.

Daniel entered the power plant, Cybermen must not have invaded this specific location yet.

A note, left by one of the workers was on the side.

It read: we have seen the metal men marching through the street so we have all gone to protect our families.

"Idiots," Daniel muttered to himself as he ran into the reactor room.

The Doctor watched from around the corner, seeing what Daniel was up to.

* * *

"Ah!" Stacy gasped as she jumped out of the casket. "Whoa!"

One of her hands felt her back as she realised where she was.

The Tardis beeped at her.

"Yes, hi," Stacy then remembered what happened. "I was shot!" She exclaimed.

The Tardis beeped at her again.

"Are you trying to tell me something?" Stacy frowned as the whole Tardis shook.

Stacy screamed as turbulance hit the Tardis extremely fast.

She ran over to the door and opened it. She gasped.

The Tardis was floating higher and higher into the skies of Azzuria.

Above was a Cyber ship.

"They're beaming us up," Stacy gasped.

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