Turn Off the Light : Episode Two

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"The light," Daniel gasped stood over Stacy's collapsed body. "It flashed and she just dropped dead."

"Move back," the Doctor grabbed Daniel by the collar and dragged him back away from Stacy.


Stacy lifted off, floating inches from the ground, arms stretched out.

Light formed around her body. The light was consuming her, in her eyes, in her mouth.

Stacy screamed.


She disintegrated and her dust fell to the floor.

Daniel's jaw dropped in despair as the Doctor let go of his collar and scanned the dust with his sonic.

The heart monitor machine began to bleep again.

"She isnt alive," the Doctor yelled away he threw his sonic on the floor.

A tear fell from Daniel's eye as the Doctor turned and walked back into the building.

"Doctor!" Daniel yelled trying to stop him but he disappeared into the darkness.

Daniel knelt beside the dust of his partner, grief stricken.

The wall that had been blown up by the Doctors sonic, was reforming.

They were separated once more.

* * *

The Doctor didnt take any notice as he walked past the other pile of dust and went further down the corridor than he had been before.

He reached a different door on the other side, this one opened gently as he approached.

Inside was a larger room, full of dirt and mud. This door also slammed shut behind him as he entered.

"Fantastic," the Doctor rolled his eyes. "You'd think I learnt from that mistake."

He slowly walked through the mud and raised his sonic.

He scanned the mud and read the readings.

"Nothing," he kicked the dirt in frustration. "The only signal I've got from anything is the heartbeat from the dust and that's impossible."

Something out the corner of his eye alerted him. A stone hand in the dirt.

He walked over and examined the hand. "Interesting."

* * *

Daniel walked around the building in the dark and tried to see if there was a way in.

There wasn't.

As he went around to check again, he saw a light in the dark.

A door leading into some abandoned barnhouse.

One of the windows on the top floor of the other house was open.

If he could find something in the barn to lift him up to the window, perhaps he could reunite with the Doctor.

He climbed over a pile of rubbish in the barnhouse and knocked over a bottle of Petrolida.

Petrolida is a stronger corrosive than Petroleum and Daniel didnt notice what he had knocked over.

It poured over the rubbish and smoke began to rise.

Still oblivious he continued to rummage through the rubbish.

* * *

The Doctor pulled the stone hand out of the dirt and soniced it.

"Finally some readings," he exclaimed. "Some strong force was inside this hand a while ago."

He took some more thinking time and his face lit up with realisation.

"Souls!" He exclaimed. "A soul was trapped in this stone form but the stone could no longer handle the power of the soul. The soul then tries to find a new home, a human body but the human body cant handle it either. The human body disintegrates. But where do the humans souls go?"

A soul then emerged from the dirt

"Ah," the Doctor backed away from it. "And what were the other souls originally. What form do you belong to?"

The soul ignored him and advanced.

"Okay," the Doctor pointed his sonic back at the wall and blew it up. "Not talkative that's fine."

He backed away into the corridor and started opening the cupboards on his left.

"Just let me," the Doctor opened a cupboard and a broom fell out. "Ah ha!"

He picked it up and raised the broom.

"Dont come near me," the Doctor threatened. "I've got this extremely dangerous weapon."

He waved the broom about but the soul ignored and inhabited him.

He fell to the floor, dead.

The light absorbed him as he screamed and stretched his arms out, lifted off the floor and disintegrated.

His dust dropped to the floor.

* * *

Daniel entered a different area of the barnhouse.

So far he had found nothing to aid him back to the house.

He tripped and then a huge cabinet collapsed on top of him.

Trapped and alone, he tried to lift the cabinet up but he was unsuccessful.

It was now when he noticed the fire smoking and building behind him.

"I'm trapped," he struggled as he began to cough. "Someone! Doctor! Help!"

Nobody was there to help him.

* * *

All the Doctor could see was a bright light.

"Hello?" He was confused.

"Doctor!" He heard Stacy's voice.

"Ah Stacy," the Doctor was relieved. "Are you ok?"

"Not really," Stacy sighed. "I dont know what's going on."

"Well I have the general idea," the Doctor started to explain. "The white light that attacked you was a soul."

"Who's soul," Stacy asked.

"I dont know yet," the Doctor continued. "These souls don't have the power to live in their bodies any more so they are looking for new bodies. Our bodies. They kick our souls out of our bodies and try to take our bodies but our bodies cant handle there power either so our bodies disintegrate."

"My body is disintegrated," Stacy asked.

"I'm afraid so," the Doctor answered. "And mine is too."

"Have you still not discovered where we are and how we got here," Stacy continued to question.

"Not a clue," the Doctor admitted. "I dont even know what this place is, some sort of dimensional plane?"

"I dont know but I really dont like this," Stacy sighed again.

"Me neither," the Doctor replied. "I'd be surprised if anybody liked this place."

* * *

The smoke viciously choked Daniel as he gasped for the slightest bit of oxygen.

"Help!" He rasped as the fire spread off the wall.

The cabinet he was trapped under had now caught fire.

It continued to spread up the cabinet to meet him.

He coughed and coughed.

It felt like he was coughing the life out of himself.

He was seconds away from death.

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