F.E.U.D : Episode Six

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"Surely you remember," a differant voice said from behind the Stealth Cyberman. A man revealed himself from behind the Cyberman. "I'm the Prophecy," he said as light night sparked out of his hands. "But you can call me The Lightning Man."

"How can a man be a prophecy," the Doctor asked.

"It started long ago," the Stealth Cyberman explained. "A Cyber Ship crash landed onto a planet and one of our soldiers found a metal ball. When the Cyberman picked it up the ball shattered and released the prophecy."

"Death," The Lightning Man recited. "The Doctor will be met with nothing but death when the feud rises. The universe will die and the Doctor will fall with nobody left to stand by him. The Doctor will die to the hands of the prophecy."

"The message ejected itself into our memory banks," the Stealth Cyberman continued to explain. "The message spread across the universe meeting civilisation after civilisation after civilisation until the alliance was formed. We created the feud and now the prophecy will be fulfilled, fulfilled with your death."

The Lightning Man placed his hand on the Doctors back and surged electricity through the Doctors body.

The Doctor screamed with pain as he felt himself feel the urge to regenerate.

The power of The Lightning Man was unbearable and he was dying.

Suddenly, the Doctor felt his whole body radiating extraordinary heat.

The electricity the Lightning Man was putting through him began to glow yellow with regeneration energy.

In an explosion of light, the Doctor levitated into the air sending a tidal wave of regeneration energy around the room, exploding all the Cybermen except the Stealth Cyberman.

The Stealth Cyberman and the Lightning man were launched against the wall at full force.

"Incinerate his accosiates!" The Stealth Cyberman ordered his soldiers down below as they flipped a lever.

The plactform they were all stood on was directly above the incineration chamber.

The floor was now transparent and the Doctor, who was still levitating, could see his two friends.

The floor of the box split in half to reveal a direct drop into a pit of fire.

"Watch Doctor as your two friends fall to certain death," the Lightning Man smiled sadistically as he fired a lightning bolt at the Doctor.

The Doctor smacked the Lightning away with the regeneration energy bursting out of him.

The Lightning Man charged at the Doctor as the Stealth Cyberman cloaked itself with invisibility and advanced on the Doctor.

Below them, the floor was moving towards the wall. Max couldnt hold Stacy any longer so she fell into the pit.

"No!" Max yelled as he held on for dear life. He looked up and saw the Doctor, fighting of his attackers.

The Doctor and the Lightning Man fought in the center of the plactform.

The Lightning Man was launched off the plactform as the Doctor blasted him with a large shot of regeneration energy.

He heard the Stealth Cyberman to his left so he fired a random shot of regeneration energy in front of him.

The Stealth Cybermans cover was blown as a hole was blasted in its chest.

It fell to the floor.

But stood back up again and fired at the Doctor.

"How," the Doctor fired another blast at the Cyberman. "Much," an another. "Does," and another. "It," another. "Take," he fired a final fatal blast that made the Cyberman explode. "I just took down a Stealth Cyberman," the Doctor laughed. "CyberHero next eh?"

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