2: our plan

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i know it sounds mean, but i didn't feel comfortable to talk with Nara right now, and she was so adorable, so i walked to the back where Rana was and found her looking at jean shorts, i cleared my throat which got her attention, she just looked at me, "oh, hey" she said with a calm voice and put the shorts back to look at another pair, she then sighed and looked over at me, "okay, be honest...you came in the store because you saw me....correct?" she said, "wow, you sure are confident" i said and put my hands in my pockets and smiled,

       "correct?" she said again to make me answer her question, "correct" i said back, "to be honest, i don't know why......your a star, why are you stalking ME?" she said with a confused look, i kinda felt offended by that last comment, "I'm not stalking you...i so happened to have seen you through the window, so i came in......besides, if we would've stayed out there longer, someone would've spotted us, like a crazy fan, and I'm not saying i hate crazy fans, i love ALL fans, but the crazy ones are the ones I'm scared of" i said looking at the shorts, she noticed i was looking at the shorts, "are you going to buy those?" she giggled and said, "maybe" i said joking around, "if so...then try them on" she said back, "huh?" i said, "you know, when you buy something you have to try them on to see if they fit at least" she said handing me the shorts "okay then, brb" i said with confident i strut into the dressing room, i regret it....when i put them on i realized they were a size to small, i could BARELY fit them, good thing i had a baggy shirt on today, or they would've see some stuff, i couldn't even walk normal, i looked like i had to pee, i walked out and Rana died laughing, she was falling off her seat, "don't judge me, i don't know WHY they don't fit properly...maybe i need to try new shorts on?" i asked, "hey idiot...those are women shorts" she said laughing really hard,

        my eyes went big, "then WHY were they in the men's isle?" i asked, "they weren't, they were in the women's...did you ever notice that i was looking in that isle for shorts?...that should've been your sign" she said again, i then felt stupid, i face palmed myself as i felt something against me, i looked up and saw her trying to give me another pair of shorts, "try these" she said with a  warm smile, i then nodded and tried them on, they came up to my knees and felt actually not tight but not loose, they felt comfortable, i walked out with joy, "what do you think?" i asked turning around so she could see me, "i think......you look good, not gonna lie, your legs look hella smooth" she said as she felt them, "i uh......we ALL, have to shave our legs, hehehe" i said kinda embarrassed, 'that's okay...so do i" she said as she picked out a pair of shorts and a white shirt that has black sparkles that spelled out, 'everyone should embrace love' i then put my pants back on and took the shorts to check out, as we both payed we smiled at each other, "couple goals" i heard jungkook whisper behind us, "do you know what you want to get for tomorrow?" she asked Nara, "yeah, here" Nara handed her the outfits she picked and Rana payed for them, 

        as she grabbed the plastic bags the clothes were in Nara helped her hold them, "it was good seeing you again hobi" Rana said to me, i nodded as Nara said bye and hugged us all because, to us she was just like a little kid, it was adorable, so then before Rana and Nara left jimin made a dumb comment, "do you like hobi Rana?" he asked with a mischievous look, "no, we are just friends, bye guys" she said then waved and they both left, when she said that my heart felt broken again, "ouch, friend-zone....must suck man" yoongi said and pat my back, "guys, you heard her...we're just friends, nothing more" i said sadly and left the store with my plastic bag, they all followed, we stopped at a lot of stores and shopped, but as we ate at a chicken restaurte out of nowhere, "guys...could you help me get Rana to like me?, i know it sounds stupid...but i really like her...i feel like she's for real the one, and i never say that" i stood up and said that like a champ, they had cheeks filled with food and just stared at me, "sure...let us finish our food then we'll help you hobi" Taehyung said with chubby cheeks while eating,

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