7: hospital

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<<J-hope's POV>>

i was drinking some beer thinking, how could Rana forgive me so easily?, i did her SO crappy, when i heard a thump, then i heard people scream and gasp, and someone yelled, "can someone call the hospital please?!" i put down my drink and ran over to the crowd, and my heart felt like something was crushing it,  i saw a guy bend down on the floor, trying to wake Rana, she fainted, i freakin knew this would happen, so many people were shocked, i then didn't think and walked over to her, then picked her up in bridle style, then ran to the guys, "I'll bring her to the hospital!!!" i let the crowd know, when the guys saw us they looked surprised, "we need to go, NOW" i let them know, "what happened?" jungkook asked, "i don't know" i said, "I'll stay behind to get Nara" jungkook said and walked in the crowd, as for the rest of us we rushed in the car, our manager was still in the party, he was having fun talking about our newest album with Yu-sung's father in his office, so we had no choice, "jin drive" i said panicked, "but this is the Limo I can't ju-" he went to speak when i gave him a death glare, "drive" i said angry, he nodded and climbed over the seats, he then realized the driver took his car keys and went inside to party. Obviously🤦‍♀️ "uh, no keys" jin said, "move over" yoongi said, he sat in the passenger seat, he leaned down to the floor board and once he got back up the car started, "how in the heck?" jin said confused, yoongi then showed him the chords, "i hot wired it...now drive" yoongi said and jin listened, 

      as we drove i had her lying in my arms passed out, i rubbed the hair out of her beautiful face, and almost cried, "it's gonna be alright hyung......she'll be fine" Taehyung said sincerely and caressed my shoulder, i nodded as we pulled up to the hospital, we rushed inside, everyone knew who we were, they gasped but noticed Rana and didn't act, "miss, please...my girlfriend fainted" i said rushed, "girlfriend?"  "he has a girlfriend?"  "that's no fair"  "how rude" i heard girl mumbling and whispering, the girl then nodded and pressed a button on her desk, then 4 nurses rushed in with one of those hospital beds, i lied her on the bed and they started running while rolling her through the hallway, i wanted to run after her but jimin stopped me and shook his head, so we waited, then jungkook came in panting beside Nara, "sorry we're late, we couldn't find a cab so we ran, and Nara complained how she couldn't walk in those heels so I had to carry her, I had her on my back a so ran" he gasped for air he was all sweaty but she wasn't she was sparkling not tired what so ever, we all waited for hours, and it was awkward, think of it like this, 7 handsome BTS members and one beautiful girl, dressed all fancy sitting in a hospital waiting room, 

                                     after probably more then 3 hours the doctor came out letting us know we could go in there, but he followed us, once i entered i noticed she was awake already, shouldn't she be asleep? i was thinking to myself, then she noticed us and gave us a weak smile, our hearts broke by her smile, we then surrounded her bed, "okay, so what happened was, the faint was a sign telling you that this cancer problem can't be ignored, so don't ignore it, also it served as a sign saying the cancer is growing faster with every breath" the doctor said looking at all of us, after saying this Rana sighed, she looked annoyed, but i wanted to hear more, (ps: it was so funny because this was a English hospital, so our every talk was in English, our English wasn't the best so Namjoon did most of it) "but it's strange, it isn't supposed to grow this fast...has there been nerve racking discoveries  or something getting her blood sugar rushing?" he asked again, 

    "well, not that we know of...she has been excited for a few days, but nothing strange" Namjoon said in English, he sounded like he was American, tbh we could barely understand what the doctor was talking about, or even saying, "i see..." he said and wrote something down, "well, just let her rest, by what i saw it isn't good, the more she gets excited, or something with a rush happens, the cancer will grow twice as more, then if she were to die...it could be soon, so just let her rest for awhile and she hopefully will be as healthy as before" he said, then he waved as he went to walk out, we all said bye and bowed at him, i could tell he was checking out Nara, but he was old, he was about 40?, 50?, 60?, he then left the room, we turned to Rana, she kept looking at the door with a disappointed face expression, "what's wrong?" i asked, "it's just, i was expecting him to be like, 'your fine, your as healthy as me, hahaha, you can do whatever, eat whatever, drink whatever, your boyfriend's dumb'" Rana said with a deep voice trying to sound like a man, i grinned by her silliness, "but instead he said i was dying" she said so bluntly, she pouted and i pat her head, (if you didn't know i was sitting at the foot of the bed), "your gonna be okay......"i said reassuring her...tbh i was the one who needed reassuring, i felt doubt in my stomach, i never felt doubt before, I'm J-hope, i was the happiest cheerfullest guy ever, but once she came along i started feeling these negative emotions, she's kept me worried, sad, mad, stressed, hurt, doubtful, evil (sometimes lol), depressed, and more,

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