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Prompt: The season of giving is finally here. And with the new holiday approaching, or at least new to the gargoyles, they want to know all about it. So it was up to you and Elisa to explain everything: the decorations, the music, the lights and the mistletoe.

You walked down the snow coated sidewalk. Even during the day, you could still see so many lights, and not just the lights from a typical city like New York, but rather the lights strung up for the Christmas season. Speaking of, Christmas was just a couple of weeks away and there was still so much left to do.

You carried a large box with you as you made your way to the clock tower. This was your sixth trip there, and while you had asked Elisa for help you understood her absence, what with her job and everything.

Finally walking in the clock tower and setting down the last box, for now that is, you looked around the place. You knew you only had about an hour till sunset so you had to start working fast.

You smiled at the thought of your gargoyle friends waking up to find their home covered in all sorts of Christmas decorations. Explaining it was one thing, but being able to see it all so up close was a different story. The surprise would be well worth the wait.

As the sun finally set, allowing a brand new night to take control, one by one each of the gargoyles had broken from their stone slumber.

While the trio admired the shinning lights from down below; Goliath, Hudson and Bronx made their way into the clock tower. However they stopped just short of the threshold. Even from there the three could see a lot of what covered the inside. 

"What in the name-" Hudson's voice trailed off as he looked ahead in confusion. All of which did not go unnoticed by the trio behind them. In just a short moment, the entire clan was looking around inside in astonishment. 

"What happened to this place?" Brooklyn confusingly asked.

In the time it took for the gargoyles to wake up, you had been just setting up the tree. And if it wasn't for the fact that you were behind said tree they might have seen you. Maybe. 

"Surprise!" You jumped out from behind the tree in a gleeful manner.

"(Y/n), what is all of this?" Broadway asked.

"Well, I know me and Elisa had been telling to guys about Christmas and everything, but I figured showing you it would really get the point across." You shrugged your shoulders.

"You did all this, for us?" Lexington softly asked.

"Theirs no one else I'd do it for." You smiled. Maybe if you had been paying attention you would have noticed the light blush your smile brought to his face. Part of him wanted you to noticed, but then the other part didn't want to put you in an uncomfortable situation. He was a gargoyle after all, and you were a human. Even with seeing how Elisa and Goliath acted towards one another, he never thought he'd have a shot with you. 

"Yes, eh, but don't you think this is a bit excessive, lass?" Hudson asked, looking over a reef he had picked up.

"HA!" You laughed, placing your fist on your hips. "You think this is it? I only put up half the decorations."

"Then maybe we can help put up the rest?"

You looked down at Lexington, he had a hopeful look in his eyes that you couldn't miss. Without hesitation you nodded in response to his request. "That would be great."

For the next hour everyone had pitched in to help with the rest of the decoration, even if they didn't understand everything. But that's where you came into play.

"I still don't understand why you'd leave out food for someone who breaks into your house just to leave presents." Brooklyn argued.

"Well, it's to show our gratitude." You shot back, giving a thumbs up to Goliath as he got some tinsel strung up on some high-beams. "And besides, he goes around the whole world in just one night, the guy deserves some snacks." 

Lexington watched on at yours and Brooklyn's playful bickering. And as he watched on, he absolutely wished that he could take his rookery brother's place. Lost in his own thoughts, Lex didn't anticipate that you would turn your attention in his direction. Which in turn caused hesitation on his part to try and look like he wasn't just staring at you. And all he could think to do was just shift around a rug that was in front of him. 

"Hey guys." A new voice filled the tower. Elisa walked up the stairs in amazement. "Wow, you guys really did a number on this place." She did a 180 to get a full scope on the transformation of the tower.

"We have (y/n) to thank for that." Goliath smiled, walking up to the detective.

"Hey Elisa, what do you call this?" Broadway butted in, holding up a small object.

"Well now that would be a nutcracker." She chuckled.

"So it cracks nuts?"

"Well, it's more for just decoration."

"And what about this?" He held up what he had in his other claws.

Your friends voices soon became nothing but background noise. Your eye's were fixed on two things. And as Brooklyn moved onto the small group forming around Elisa, it gave you the perfectly opportunity to head towards the one gargoyle who lingered back.

"Hey Lex." You caught his attention as he stood in an archway.


You pointed you finger upwards and said, "look up." Doing so, all he saw was what looked like a small plant taped up at the top of the archway.

"What is it?"

Not even a second after he had asked his question he felt a pair of lips gently placed on his cheek. Pulling away too soon in his opinion, Lexington stood dumbfounded at what had just happened. But you only stood back up straight with a smile. 

"Well!" You spoke, obviously choosing to ignore all of the eyes on the two of you, watching what had just happened. "It looks like all we need left is the lights for the tree. And after emptying all these boxes I guess I left it back in my apartment. I'll be back in a bit." You waved off.

Even as you left, everyone was still silent. Well everyone except for Elisa, she was quietly laughing. "And that would be mistletoe." She pointed at the plant that was hung above Lexington's head. Who, might I add, looked like he was going to pass out.

"And what exactly is the purpose for this... mistletoe?" Goliath asked curiously.

"Basically, it's just an excuse for someone to kiss someone else." Elisa shrugged. "The 'tradition' is that if someone is standing underneath it with someone else, they have to kiss each other."

Looking at his brother with worry, Brooklyn made a few steps towards Lex as he started to ask, "Lex, hey are you okay-"


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