Unwelcome Visit

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One lone solitary bird sat perched on the right arm of the Christ the Redeemer statue, looking down upon the city of Rio. He had an evil glare in his eyes, one of bitterness and hatred. His comrades joined him one by one, spanning the full length of both arms of the statue.

The lead military Macaw asked, "What do you want us to do now? I think we have watched them long enough."

The leader stayed silent, thinking what was the best way to execute his revenge. There were several ways to go about it, but he knew that a hasty assault would result in his inevitable defeat.

"Send a group down there to search for them. Interrogate birds with force if you have to. That Blue bird will be mine to deal with."

The lead Macaw rounded up a group of thirty birds and flew down to the city.


Blu and the gang were having a great time, partying and dancing to Nico's song, I Wanna Party. Everybody enjoyed themselves, especially Blu and Jewel; that was until the commotion started.

Birds began scrambling about outside the club's door; they were being attacked by a large flock of military Macaws. Suddenly, the blankets being used for the club roof were removed, again, just like last time. Hovering just above where the blanket used to be was a wooden "throne" carried by four Macaws. A rather large bird sat perched upon the seat.

Everyone in the club backed into a corner, making room for the Macaws to set the throne on the floor. The frightening bird stood up and spoke, "I am Terrin, the master of the northern Brazilian woodlands. I demand that the Blue Macaw by the name of Blu step forward."

Before Blu himself could fulfill the request, Eduardo stepped forward and asked, "Just what is it that you want with him?"

"He is to be executed." Everyone gasped at the thought. Jewel huddled her kids closer to her.

"I will not allow you to kill him. He has done nothing wrong."

Terrin, in a burst of anger, slashed Eduardo's side, causing him to fall backwards into his family's wings. "I say it again. The Blue Macaw by the name of Blu will step forward and receive his punishment."

After checking on his father-in-law's condition, Blu looked up at Terrin with indignation. "If you so much as touch him again, you will pay."

"I highly doubt that, for there are more of us here than you know. Your attempts to repay will be futile."

"You fail to see, sir, that this entire club, when threatened by a force such as you, will unite." With that, the club members behind Blu took an offensive posture. "You shouldn't have come here for me."

Eduardo, Jewel, and the rest of the gang stared at Blu, surprised that he has had a change in character. This defensive posture he now had was not at all the same Blu they knew before.

Spontaneously, a bird in the back of the room picked up and threw a grape at Terrin, sending the entire group of birds into a full assault. In the midst of the commotion, Blu and his gang took the opportunity to fly away from Terrin's threat.

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