Chapter 3 : Friends not enemies

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"Thank you again for your help. I'm grateful you have helped us. Please accept our gift!" The Cait shelf guild master handed her a bag of jewels and a bottle of unknown substance.

"It was no problem." Isa rubbed the back of her neck. Most of the men eyes were focused her on exposed legs making it awkward and uncomfortable to even stand.

"Although I'd prefer your men to avert they're eyes." Isa hissed. Her aura turned black almost immediately.

The guild mates yelled in fear and cowered behind the tables. "Sorry! Please forgive us!" They shouted with terrified tears.

The white fox bared her teeth at the perverted eyes and covered the back with her white tail. "Back off!"

"Be sure to visit! We will miss your presence here!" He shouted before taking a swig of rum. Isa 'laughed' it off and started to walk out of the large hut.
She gave a small smile and waved behind her.

Her eyes flared a bright blue as she exited out of the white tent. Her boot crunched against the grave path while Kai's left quiet tracks.

Her beamed as the moonlight hit it.
The view was quite amazing as the shooting stars took over the dark sky. It reminded her of the of view her mother showed her every night before they played around in the fields.

Tears brimmed her eyes as memories try to resurface and break though her wall. Serafina's death was the saddest in history. She died to save millions of lives. It was pure honor, if only Isa wasn't being held back by a magic council member during the battle. Isa quickly wiped them with her fingers not wanting to shed any tears.

Kai sniffled and wiped her eyes with her arm. Isa became independent after the death of her Phoenix. The stages of grieve were taken to extreme measures. All she did was complete jobs by herself along with Kai to take out any dark guilds magic or their evil doings. She was too unstable for a guild. She had almost killed Jura, for holding her back.

"She will be missed." Kai gulped. Isa didn't respond. Her fists curled at her sides,

"You know, if you going to stand there, you should atleast say something before I initiate attack." Isa said still facing forwards.

Vibrations could be heard in the ground and traveled though Isa's touch sense. About nine people walked out from the shadows.

"Thank you for helping us." Erza said. "Your the Bandit? Aren't you? Isabelle." Erza clasped her hand on the shoulder.

Kai looked up in shock. "No way? Erza?" She recognized the red-head now from awhile ago.

"That's the bandit?! I thought they seem more tough an..." Gray trailed off only to be dropped by her viscous gaze. A shiver went down his spine and he stopped talking.

"I'm The bandit they speak of, yes." She said and turned to face the group of people. "I only helped you not knowing whom I face. Brain had everything coming to him for the sins he committed." Her tone was deep just like Erza's but more scary and unknowingly mysterious.

"Why don't you come back with us? You haven't anywhere to stay. I know that for sure." Erza said. The Fairy tail yelled "WHAT?!"

"When has Erza been nice to someone?" Lucy questioned. Her eyes trailed over to the platinum blonde chick. Her hand was on her hip and the white fox shadow flooded the ground below. They both looked intimidating and dangerous to approach.

"I'm nice." She stated.Lucy gulped and backed away from Titania.

"She's only like that if it's someone from a long time ago." Gray answered for her.

"You sure seem more prettier than I imagined." Ren appeared behind her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. A tick mark appeared above her right bleeding eyebrow underneath a small vein.

"You seem more stupid to even think twice before touching me." She said boldly and swung her foot to his stomach. It sent him rolling into his guild mates and his weird guild master "Man!" He yelled as he rolled away.

Wendy screamed and hid behind Erza as they attempted to grab her ankle to help get up. Happy screamed and hid behind Lucy.

"Welp!" Natsu smiled a toothy grin "Bandit! Fight me!" He threw a fist up. They all sweat dropped,

"That guy always seem to pick a fight,huh." Lyon shook his head. Sherry only giggled and hugged Lyon with a love struck face.

"No." She refused the salamanders request. "I'll come with you to the guild for rest and a safe haven. I'll leave the next morning." She explained. "It's to dangerous for me to stay in one place. It'll give an enemy a chance to attac-"

Erza grabbed Isa and hugged her tightly. It was a real hug with her arms not like the chest bang. "It's great to have you back belle." Erza whispered. Isa's heart dropped at her old nick name. Her suspicions were correct when she entered the ravine.

They had stumbled across each other when Erza joined the guild. Isa has wondered off from her Phoenix Serafina into Magnolia and met the red-head. The two use to go jumping into lakes and visit the shops.

"I-I..." Isa couldn't find the words and started to hug her back.

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