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Dewey's POV


I sighed, closing my bedroom door behind me. I am happy that Louie got Uncle Donald to at least try to enroll us in this... real school. But I keep getting flashbacks... I should have been too young to remember this event, but I do. Huey and Louie say they don't so I guess I should be happy I'm special. Yet, in some way, it is sort of a curse. Knowing how your mother died was not the greatest feeling...

3 years ago

Della's POV

"Come on, settle down!" Donald desperately tried to grab Dewey and Louie as we ran around our room. Huey watched us from the crib, a little smile on his face.

"Gotcha ya!" I grabbed Dewey as he ran by. He squealed in my arms, grabbing my scarf. I grinned at, playing with his little, white hair. It had already started to stick up and it was the most adorable thing you could ever see.

"Well, at least Louie isn't hard to catch." I looked up to see Louie laying on the floor, his eyes drooped. Donald picked him up and placed him gently into the same crib as Huey. I put Dewey in his own crib. He doesn't really play nice so we don't normally but them all in the same crib. "We really need to find out how they keep escaping. At least Huey always stays in his crib." Donald patted Huey's head.

"I don't know, they both definitely are smart. Or dangerous, either work." I smiled as Huey and Louie laid next to each other. Donald and I headed out of the room, closing the door quietly behind us. "I think we should do something special for their birthday this year. This is their first birthday without... you know..." I sighed, shaking my head.

"I get it, but what would you want to do? It's dangerous outside with the storm coming!" Donald said while putting away some of the plates from dinner earlier. 

"It isn't that bad right now! Maybe we could go to a treat shop! Then each of them can pick out their own treat." I grinned, going onto my phone to look us shops. But Donald's hand blocked my view.

"Della, that's dangerous. We would be risking our lives and the boy's lives. They are fine just staying home." I frowned at him, lowering my phone. I shrugged, putting the phone into my pocket.

"Fine. I'm going to check up on them once more then go to bed." I walked away, down the short hallway. I peered into the boy's room, smiling when I saw them all laying in their cribs. "You boys deserve the world... and I'm going to make sure you get it," I whispered into the silent room before closing the door.

2 hours later

No One's POV

Della snuck down the boat's hallway, trying to make no noise to disturb anyone. As much as she was fine with Donald worrying for her and the boy's safety, she thought she could handle herself.

As she turned into the kitchen, she nearly let out a big gasp when she saw who was in front of her. Huey, Dewey, and Louie all were running around in the kitchen, in the dark.

"Boys! What are you doing up?" She swooped up Louie as he ran by. He grinned at her.

"Playin. Why is you up?" Louie asked. He didn't have the greatest grammar or vocabulary, just like Dewey, but it was still good enough to understand what he was asking or what he wanted. Dewey was harder, but Huey was much better than both of them.

"I... I'm going to make a quick errand. For your birthday! Did you three know it was today?" The boys shook their heads. Huey and Dewey were laying on top of each other, both poking each other even as their mother spoke. "You are all 5 now! Such big boys... now, you boys get back to bed or Uncle Donald isn't going to let you play at all tomorrow!" All three boys gasped, eyes wide. Being so young meant their were no worries on them so things like not being to play feels like the world will end.

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