Setting Sun

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Huey's POV

"What do you mean we have to go back?" Dewey squeaked. We had been walking for almost an hour, and it was almost pitch black out now. Now that the suggestion to go home had been brought up, it made our once silent walk, loud.

"It's dark, Dewey. The professionals will have a better time finding your brother than us." Mrs. Beakley spoke in a stern tone to Dewey. She seemed to have found out pretty quickly that Dewey was stubborn and wouldn't move unless he was forced.

"No, I'm not going to stop till we find him!" Dewey spoke angrily at Mrs. Beakley. I looked up at Mrs. B, who was staring harshly at Dewey.

"You are going home, Dewey. We can try again in the morning." She reached for Dewey's hand, but he darted out her reach. Both of us stared at each other. I knew that Dewey would fight... and fight till Louie was found. I didn't know why, but as much as I hated to admit it, Dewey was right. We were not going to rest until we find Louie.

I gave Dewey a small nod. He glanced over to an alleyway, and I followed his eyes. There was a big, metal gate in the way, but with a little teamwork, we could make it over.

"Now!" Dewey yelled, then sprinted to the gate. I followed behind him, making sure to keep my distance. Dewey bent down, cupping his hands. I picked up speed, then jumped, my right foot landing on Dewey's hands. I heard Dewey grunt as he pushed up, forcing me up and over the fence. I grabbed onto the top of the metal gate, trying to keep my balance.

"Huey! Dewey! Get back here this instant!" I looked up, and my heart rate picked up as I watched Mrs. Beakley and Webby running towards Dewey. Dewey stared at them as well, then started to climb the gate. He slipped and started to fall down. I reached down, grabbing his blue shirt. I pulled, and Dewey tried to help me. 

Then, Dewey became lighter. He got up easily, nearly knocking us both off the top. I looked down, seeing Webby down there, smiling slyly. "Go!" I smiled at Webby, then hopped over the fence. Dewey did the same, landing lightly next to me. We both nodded at each other, then took off at a run.

We ran down the alleyway, then finally reached the street. Dewey turned left, and I followed him. Once we were far away from the alley and the others, we slowed down to catch our breath. Dewey wasn't breathing as hard as I was, which was reasonable given he was always the faster one.

"Ok... that... was... awesome!" Dewey grinned at me, holding his hand up. I high fived him, smiling back.

"Yea, but..." I took a step back, looking around our surroundings. "where are we?" Dewey looked around as well, his eyes slowly widening as we took in our positions.

"The worst part of Duckburg..." Dewey whispered.

"in the dark..." I finished off. We looked at each other.

"It's... okay. All we need to do is look for Louie, get him home, possibly get grounded, then it'll be all over." Dewey took a breath. He bent his head down, his hair falling over his eyes. "I... I'm sorry for dragging you into this. I'm sorry for attacking you and overreacting and-"

"Dewey. Stop, it's ok. I know we both want to apologize, explain, and everything, but I don't think this is a good time. How about when we get home?" Dewey nodded and took another breath. He lifted his head up and scanned the area.

"Well, I guess all we have to do is walk."

Louie's POV

The streets were nearly dark now, only the occasional street light making it bright again. Gino and I walked in uncomfortable silence, him focused on what was ahead of him physically, me focused on what was ahead of me mentally. How would Huey and Dewey react to me showing up this late? What about Gino? Dewey is apparently fine with him, but Gino and Huey didn't have a great start.

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