The Crimson Snow

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WARNING: there going to be blood,sadness,and me needing a tissue even tho i'm the one writing this.

(Shinso pov)

Omg, this mountain is harder to clime.

 (The snow was blowing hard but seemed to be a bit calmer than it was when I first arrived) Then I thought 'It's pretty much pitch black and all I have is the flash light on my phone'. I see a small glow from a far, it was a cottage. I knocked on the door this lady with tears in her eyes point up the mountain in a large amount of trees. all she could say was he's there, and that told me Izuku was some were up in the mountains forest. I trudged trough the snow looking there was no sign of him. No sound just the snow whipping around  I started to panic because who know how long he has been in this blizzard! Without thinking I started yelling his name hopping for a response.

(Deku pov) 

I can't move, it's so cold cough! cough! I could feel the blood coming out of my mouth, but I just couldn't move. I laid there half awake, blood escaping my mouth. Something in my body is slowly dying. Then I heard a whisper or at least it what it sounded like. It was my name over and over again getting a little louder every 2 min. I would here it to the point it sounded like it was  30 feet away.

(Shinso pov)

I keep walking shining my light around trying to find Izuku calling his name in a worrisome tone.  The snow is finally letting up, but it's still hard too see in the dark. I called again and then i see it. It was Izuku's walky-talky and not to far from it was a little bit of blood by a tree. When I saw the blood i freaked and started calling his name over and over. (Now heavily breathing well trying to run in snow) I called again


That's when I saw him laying there in a fetus position in the snow with a puddle of blood by his mouth.

IZUKU! I screamed as I ran to him he looked so pail and i had to check. There was a small heart beat witch scared me.  I picked him up like a bride and he was much lighter that i though the would be.

Y-your gonna be O-okay Izuku I said shaking, and i was scared. I herd him barely but in a whisper

"Look who's stuttering now and with a faded smile on his face," he fainted.

 I started to cry as i was terrified because his mouth started to drip blood, and that's when a awake up call hit me. I ran and ran till I was sliding down the mountain strait for the cottage with a big halt, almost losing my balance. I kick the door open  and ran Izuku to the warm fire i grabbed 3 blanket an placed it on him  

i didn't know what else to do so I laid there trying to use my body heat to warm him up. After 4 hour of me worrying I fell asleep.

(Izuku pov)

4:36 AM

 It was warm it hurt, but I was warm an my eyes started to open. I looked over too see my self by the fire and blankets piled on me. I felt some thing warm move next to me in pain I flipped my head to see Shinso on the side of me. At first i was freaked out, because he was so close but then I just enjoy his warmth. His hair looked so fluffy I wanted to touch it, but when I raised my hand a sharp pain when through my body. Without any control I screamed in pain waking Shinso who was freaking out. he started to get up, but i grabbed his shirt and without thinking and said, "don't leave me". With out hesitation he laid back down next to me, and I curled toward his chest listening his heart beat. The pain went away after a wile and I fell asleep.

(writers note)

Omg! i'm sorry this took so long to post. I got busy working on projects. I missed a couple posting days so I hope you enjoyed i'll post again soon have a great day!


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