A Difficult Morning

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(heads up there is blood and cringe in this next chapter you have been warned.)

(Deku pov)

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... hmmm its morning.

I open my eyes just to see that i'm curled up into Shinso chest and my cheeks were totally heating up.

-ba dump-

my heart was beating so fast but I didn't want to wake Shinso.

-ba dump-

calm down! (cough) I-I need to calm down my b-body can't handle the stress.

-ba dump-

I slowly sneak out of Shinso's grasp. (cough)

-ba dump-

(cough-cough) It still hurts I run to bathroom, and shut the door as quietly as possible.

My feet collapse under me and i fall to the ground in a coughing fit with a little blood coming out the side of my mouth.

(Shinso's pov)----------------------------


I wake up and blink a couple of times .



Were's Izuku!

I look around a bit and see the bathroom door shut.

I walk over to the door.

knock knock

hey are you okay in there?


I got no response?

I put my ear to the door. 


I hear coughing on the other side of the door. 


I'm coming in!

I open the door to see Izuku siting there against the wall coughing and gasping for air well blood dripping from his mouth.


(Deku's pov)-----------------------------------------------

I can barley breath and it hurts every time I cough.


knock knock

why now of all times?

"Are you okay in there?" I hear Shinso on the other side ask.

I couldn't breath and felt like I was about to pass out I-I can't respond.

The door opens and Shinso walks in look Strait at me.

I tried to smile but was still coughing, and without and air it got dark. I just couldn't fall asleep not yet. 

I fell over with a loud thud still not able to breath. 

I give up...

The familiar darkness surrounded me again.

(Shinso pov)-----------------------------------------------

I stood there staring and Izuku as he was coughing.

I left my trance when I see him fall over coughing and then every thing stop.

It was silent.



I ran to him and cheeked him.


-ba dump-

Hes alive! ...

I pick him up bridle style and take him to the couch.I grab a towl and wipe away the blood coming from his mouth.

He looks so cute when he is sleeping.


Did I just say that?


I seriously need a coffee. I am to tired to be thinking right now.

I look back at Izuku... and i meat with two emerald eyes staring back at me.

Izuku smiles and then laughs.

I can feel a little heat in my cheek knowing that he totally herd me.

w-whats so funny?

"Nothing just that I think your cute too." replied Izuku...

We both stair at each other for a moment, and then we both start blushing.


(writers note)

I am so sorry that I have not been writing. I just couldn't think what i should do for the next chapter. I will post more because i just found out that i got two weeks of spring break all because of the corona virus. 

I hope you like the chapter, and wash those hands.

bye broskies!

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