The kiss?

210 8 2

(Izuku's pov)

 We walk out of the hotel, and I was so surprised how crowded it is for such a small town.

Hey Shinso? let's find some thing to eat?  

"sure." responded Shinso.

We walked around and there were all kinds of tent's up. Some had games others had food, but the table that caught my eye was...

Katsudon my favorite food. Can we go there Shinso, please? 

"sure." he replied again. 

It was a small booth with tables sitting all around it. 

We order our food then sat down. 

It was so good with it being kinda cold, the hot katsudon just warmed me all up.

I couldn't help but smile.

(Shinso pov)

We got our food and started to eat. 

Izuku was really enjoying his food and he looked so cute. 

He look like a child getting a gift.

 I didn't realize I was starring for so long till Izuku said "Are you not hungry shinso?

It snapped me out of my daze. 


Nooo i'm hungry see I shoved a large amount of rice in my mouth.

On the other side of the table I hear Izuku laughing.

I quickly chew and swallow (without choking).

What so funny?

"I-Its just that was so adorable" replied Izuku.


(Izuku's pov)

I-I mean how you a-ate the food not that I watch you eat all the time.


I-I mean not that I don't watch you, but 


I was a blushing mess, and I couldn't think of what to say.

Now shinso was laughing. I guess our roles switched. 

But it wasn't long before I join him.

After laughing for a bit and after i caught my breath.

We should hang out more. 

"yeah" replied shinso. 

We finished eating in silence.

soooooooo what do want to do next.


"How about we play some of the festival games" replied shinso.

Sound great to me I said with a smile.

We walked around and play games here and there.

I won a lot of the games, though when it came to some that involve being tall I kind lost them.

We play for a few hours but soon the sun started to set.

Most of the tents were starting to close up for the night.

(Shinso pov)

I notice that it was starting to get dark.

Hey Izuku, we should find an area were we can see the fireworks.

"That sound nice" replied Izuku.

So we look and we finally decide the best place would be on the hotel roof we were staying in. we did ask for permeation to go in there first of coarse.

We sat on the roof and talk a bit as the sun went down.  

Our conversation only stopped when we here a big bang.

We look to see that the fire works had started and they were so pretty.

"woooooow" I hear Izuku say beside me. 

I look over to and the lights of the fire works just made his smile shine brighter.

 I was snapped out of it again when I felt it get cold and when I looked up. 

Oh its snowing.

Izuku looked so amazed, and as we continued to watch we saw what the hotel lady meant. We would be lucky to see it snow well the for works went off.

The colors sparkled off the snow make the snow look like floating crystals of color.

I look back at Izuku who was so memorized by the show.

He look so beautiful it was almost as if the color was attracted to him.

I scooted a bit closer and he didn't notice.


Its now or never the worst that can happen is that he doesn't like you I say to myself.

I close my eyes and lean towards Izuku to give him a kiss on the cheek but right at that moment he turned and I landed right on his lips.

(Izuku pov)

I was watch the really beautiful show, and I here a little bit of shuffling next to me. 

when i finally turned to figure out what shinso was doing.


He was right there and then he was on my lips. 

At first I was surprised but kinda fell into the kiss.

The moment we separated it was almost like it suddenly got cold.

I started to blush so hard and Shinso was apologizing rapidly.

It got quiet we kinda just sat there not look at each other.



"Y-yes" he replied a little worry in his tone.

C-could you d-do that again.

I was blushing so much, but soon the nice warm felling was back.

we kissed but this time we didn't want to let it go.


(writers note)

Welp sorry it took so long to post again. I'm always busy doing something and just couldn't think of how I should put this chapter. Ummmmmm but I have a important question should I right smut in the next chapter yes, no, maybe. If I don't get a response then i'll take it as a no but other than that i'm thinking about putting a Bipper book out. 

 On that note have a good day.

Bye Broskies!

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