Chapter 6

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Harry P.O.V

"Bye mum" i said as i waved to my computer screen. I looked over my twitter answering a few fans i was about to do a twitcam before hearing 4 screams downstairs. I quickly shut my laptop racing downstairs. "WHATS GOING?!" I screamed. Louis ran past me up the stairs, shouting "STAY CALM" into his phone.

The others looked at me stressed and worried. They all just shoved past me, chasing after Louis. I ran after them but they shut the door on me. "Guys, what's going?!" I shouted banging on the door. I heard Louis' calming voice, he must have been speaking on the phone still. "PAUL WE NEED TO! It's important it's about..." I heard Liam shout, but i couldn't hear the rest. What was so important?!

I banged my fists against the door several tiimes before it swung open and i had to stop myself from punching Niall in the face. I pulled a questioning look, before he shoved me out of the way saying, "Get your bags, we're leaving now instead of tomorrow. Go," what, why?! i ran over to my room picking up my all my bags ready for tomorrow and carrying them down the stairs. 

"GUYS?!" is shouted noticing them all hovering around Louis, they all looked up, and Louis then carried on whispering through his phone and we all followed him outside, rushing into the limo. I climbed in and all the boys were whispering. 

"Tell me what's going on. NOW." I demanded. "We can't tell you Harry." mumbled Zayn, he looked scared.  I looked over at Louis, he was sat at the far end talking still. "Yeah, she's okay? is it coming? should start in- 2 HOURS?! okay, yeah we're going for our flight now. Yeah, you're right it could be a long..." he whispered, that he spoke even more quiet near the end. Who is he talking about?

The limo stopped, airport already? We must have been driving fast.. What's going on?!



I sighed collapsing into my seat. I looked over at the others who looked scared and worried. Louis had tears escaping his eyes, staring at his phone, he had to hang up from who he was talking to and seemed pretty upset.  I shuffled around in my seat, "Guys why can't you just tell me what's going on?" i shouted angrily.

The boys flashed looks. "Just, wait." whispered Niall. I groaned and threw my head back in my seat.  Atleast we were quite close to home, it's only a 3 hour flight. . . .


"HARRY GET UP, WE'RE GOING NOW!" Niall shouted in my ear. I quickly jumped up realising we were leaving the flight. I grabbed my carry over bags and ran after the others.

"Boys, come on." demanded Paul as he dragged us out of the building to our limo, there were even a few fans. But we didnt get to say hi, why not?! WHAT IS GOING ON?!?

"Yep, we're nearlly there, is she okay? Not yet? Okay, she's calm? How can she be calm?! Ask her if we can bring Harry and. . -" I heard Louis speaking into his phone, i missed the last part. What's he talking about?! " Yes? They can? Okay we're nearly there, bye, yeah bye!" Louis whispered out of breath. 

I saw him typing on his phone, now what is he doing?! He then sighed and turned to me, nodding at the others. 

"Guys, what's going o-" i started

"Shh Harry. I'll explain. But you have to listen."

I nodded slowly.

"It's Laura. She's giving birth right now. And we dont know if the baby is yours or Jai's she's not been in contact with either of you, so you wouldnt find out. She's finally realised you might aswell find out. And this is why we're rushing to the hospital. She might be having your baby Harry." He spoke softly as possible.

"It might be m-my baby? She might be having my child? THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR MONTHS! NOBODY DECIDED TO TELL ME?! Oh my god, oh god. . ." I started stressing.


"You're right, this might be my baby. I might have a baby, a child, my own."


Sorry it's short! But i hope you liked it! The story will be coming to an end soon, and after that i will be writing another new story. Haven't got a name yet, but have a really good idea for the story. 


That's all! 

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