Chapter 11

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(Trigger warning: Domestic Violence for this chapter and next. Sorry in advance)

"Sqaishey..." Stampy's voice purred beside her. "Sqaishey, it's time to get up..."

Sqaishey slowly stirred awake. "Hm...? What is it?"

"It's almost noon." He laughed.

"Really?" Sqaishey sat up and yawned. "Noon already?"

"Yep! I already made lunch for us."

"You did?" Sqaishey chuckled. "You never make lunch!" She teased.

"Well, it is our honeymoon so I figured I'd try to do something for you while you slept!"

"Honeymoon?" Sqaishey tilted her head to the side.

He turned to her and nodded. "Yeah. We just got here last night though so it's okay if you don't remember."

"When did we plan this...?" She didn't remember any discussion of a honeymoon.

He raised an eyebrow. "I thought we talked about it before the wedding?" He asked confused.


"We just got married, Sqaishey. Do you not remember?"

"No... I don't..." Sqaishey frowned.

He sat down beside her. "Nothing?" He asked. "You don't remember any of it?"

"But... We were going to but then you disappeared so we held it off." Sqaishey shook her head. "You only came back the other day! How could we get married and go on a honeymoon in that amount of time?"

Stampy opened his mouth to answer but stopped, unsure of how to.

"That's... Sqaishey, it's been like... almost a month since I came back..." He said, concerned.

"W-what? No it hasn't..." She argued.

Stampy nodded. "Yeah... It...It has."

"N-no! Surely I'd remember us getting married!"

Stampy's ears laid back. "I know... Are... Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine!"

"Then why don't you remember... maybe cause it's been so stressful with everything going on for the wedding?"

"But it's our wedding? How could I forget something that important?" Sqaishey had moved so that she was sitting on the side of the bed.

"I... I don't know Sqaishey..." He admitted, eyes fearful and concerned.

"Stampy...? Is everything ok?" She looked back at him, something about him didn't seem right.

"I'm just worried about you is all..." He replied.

"This feels... wrong. How could I forget something like this?"

"That's what I wanna know too Sqaishey..." He sighed. "Do... Do you wanna come eat?"

"I uh... s-sure..." Her voice was practically a whisper.

"I'm sure it'll come back to Sqaish... You did just wake up. Here, come on." He gently took her hand and led her to the kitchen.

Sqaishey followed, her movements slow and hesitant.

He stopped when they got to the kitchen and let her sit down and brought lunch over. "Tada! Here you go, my lady," He smiled at her, trying to take her mind off of the circumstances.

"Thanks..." Sqaishey tried to smile before eating.

They ate in silence for a bit before he frowned. "Sqaishey, are you sure you are alright?"

The Lost Ones Book 2: Welcome HomeWhere stories live. Discover now