Chapter 50

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Jason bolted awake, sweat and tears running down his face. He clutched his shirt right over where his heart was, his breathing quick and uneven. His eyes darted around the room, adjusting to the dim lighting. It wasn't long before he realized that he was no longer in Phoebe's room, but in some sort of cell. Not even a cell, but a birdcage? A large chain connected it to the ceiling, and there was no sign of any floor outside of the cage.

"And little Starlight wakes," Penelope's voice rang in the room. "How are you feeling, Starlight?"

A gasp escaped Jason's lips and he backed up, his back hitting the back of the cage.

Penelope chuckled. "I hope you're comfortable in that little cage of yours. You'll be spending a lot of time there for the foreseeable future."

Jason looked up at her, a large pair of eyes staring back at him. She was no longer the size of a normal person.

She gave him a fake smile while her eyes held a bit of anger. "So I suggest you make yourself at home and learn to behave yourself," She suddenly grabbed the cage by the chain attached to the hook and lifted it up to her height, causing the cage to sway making Jason stumble. "Or you'll be spending the rest of your miserable little life in this cage like a little bird with its wings clipped." Her smile never faltered but her cheery tone had a dangerous edge to it and her eyes looked murderous. She then smiled a bit brighter, that aura fading. "Understand, my little lovebird?" She asked in a sickly sweet tone.

Jason didn't reply, a look of pure terror on his face.

Her smile faltered a look of anger crossing it. "I said," She rattled the cage a little as she glared into it, bringing him to eye level. "Understand?" She hissed.

Jason shook with the cage, the back of his head hitting the bars behind him. He quickly nodded.

"Good." She seemed content with that and hung the cage from the ceiling. "I'll give you some time to get used to your new surroundings," She started to turn to walk away when the spider creature dropped down in front of Jason's cage upside down from a web, startling him but gaining Penelope's attention and started talking to her but in hisses and clicks.

Penelope listened before looking furious. "Looks like I have to go deal with your little pet," She sighed. "He's gotten loose and is apparently running around wildly now." She gave a heavy sigh. "I'll be right back..." And left the room.

Jason stood up and ran to the other side of the cage, grabbing the bars. "W-wait!"

The spider lady turned to him, still upside down and cocked her head at him, her multiple eyes all blinking at him. She made a small scree like noise but it was soft and almost sounded like a question.

Jason took a step back, raising an eyebrow. He looked back at the spider, not understanding what she wanted from him.

She grabbed onto the bars with one pair of her hands and tilted her head again making the noise again.

A small noise came out of Jason's mouth as he took another step back. He didn't know whether or not the creature was friendly.

She seemed to huff before awkwardly croaking out, "Wh-What did you... want...?"

"I-I just... She can't just... leave me here!" Jason stammered.

She cocked her head. "Why not?"

"I need to know what happened to her!" Jason looked a bit distressed. "Is she okay?!"

"Her?" She asked.

"Phoebe, Stella... I don't know anymore!" He threw his arms in the air.

"Princess?" She asked before humming. "Can check..." She placed another one of her hands on her chin in thought.

Jason lit up a bit. "Y-you can?"

"I can... But why should I? She is fine, probably..." Her voice slowly cleared up.

"She nearly...." he took a deep breath. "K-killed herself..."

She looked surprised. "She... Oh..." she hesitated before nodding. "I will check. Who would I tell her was asking?"


She nodded. "I shall be back, Jason..." She let go of the bars and descended towards the floor with her webbing and disappeared from sight.

"T-thank you!" Jason called after her, giving a small wave.

The spider-human creature was quick to find Phoebe's room in the mess of hallways, the door closed but thankfully unlocked. She slowly opened the door and entered the room.

Phoebe was curled up on her bed sobbing quietly.

The spider nervously stepped forward. "Princess...?"

Phoebe gasped and sat up and turned to see her, clinging to a cap in her hands. "O-Oh... I... I didn't hear you come in..."

"S-sorry... I will be sure to knock next time..."

"I-It's okay... did... did you need something?"

"I have someone who was... asking about you."

"Wh-What?" She looked confused before realizing. "J-Jason?!"

"Ah, yes. He was wondering if you were doing okay?"

"I... yes... I suppose... could... you take me to him?"

"I do not think the Queen would allow that..." The spider replied, looking a bit scared.

She sighed. "You're right... Is he okay?"

"As of right now he is fine."

She sighed. "Thank goodness... Please, would you keep an eye on him for me?"

"I will try my best to, your majesty."

"Thank you..."

"My, my... What's going on here?"

Phoebe turned around to see Penelope standing in the doorway.

The spider turned to face Penelope. "I'm sorry my Queen! I heard princess was not feeling well."

"Oh? What's the matter, dearest?" Penelope asked.

Phoebe glanced away. "I-It's nothing, mother..."

The spider looked nervous. "Would you like me to leave, my Queen?" She asked.

"Hmm? Oh, if you don't mind." She replied, seeming uninterested with the spider.

The spider gave one last look at Phoebe before exiting the room, heading back to where Jason was.

"So," Penelope turned to Phoebe. "You aren't feeling well, hmm?" She asked as she shut the door behind the little spider. 

The Lost Ones Book 2: Welcome HomeWhere stories live. Discover now