Chapter 17

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Penelope turned around and smiled brightly. "Rajie! You're home!"


"I don't know what you are going on about, Rajie." Penelope replied, watching him storm up to her, the room shaking at his heavy steps.

"YOU'RE LYING!" he snarled. "WHERE ARE THEY?!"

"Maybe if you calmed down and actually specified, I would tell you." She replied, looking rather unamused now.


Penelope blinked in surprise. "Space rang- oh! You must be referring to Starlight."

Kala rolled his eyes. "Starlight, space ranger, whatever the hell you wanna call him, I don't care! Just where is he?!"

Penelope raised an eyebrow. "He and his kitten returned home, did they not?"

Kala snarled. "You... you didn't..." he stared at her before screaming in frustration. "You did! Augh! Why?! Why did you bring them back?! And those others?! I found them running around! They aren't supposed to be here!"

Penelope sighed. "Okay, fine. Maybe I brought Starlight and his kitty back. It's not like you can do anything about it."

Kala opened his mouth to argue but was cut off when Penelope leaned forward a dangerous look in her eyes. "He is Mine. If you dare touch him, I will personally beat your sorry arse into the ground and you will not be able to even move for the next decade. Understood?" She asked him, voice low and threatening making Kala's eyes widen and him step back before bowing submittingly.

"Y-yes... my queen..." he acknowledged.

She stood straight again. "Good. Now as for those that shouldn't be here. I saw you try to hunt my Starlight last time and attempted to take his arm-"

"Imstillmadaboutthat..." Kala grumbled quietly.

She ignored him. "So I, being the wonderful wife that I am, grabbed some toys to keep you from playing and chewing on mine! You're welcome." She smiled brightly. "You can do whatever you please with them, I don't care. If they aren't around for Starlight to return to, then why wouldn't he just stay here instead?" She explained.

Kala hummed softly. "They are close to him?"

Penelope nodded. "From what I've gathered, yes."

Kala nodded, seeming to be content with this. "Thank you, my queen. I shall enjoy my hunts." He smiled a little as he stood up and turned to go.

"Rajie! No goodbye kiss?" Penelope fussed playfully.

He stopped and turned to her. "Alright, Penny." He came over and shared a kiss before he headed off again.

"Bye, Rajie! Have fun!" Penelope called after him as he left her sight.

(Short chapter this time around but the next one, unless I find a better breaking point, is a long one. XD Also I wrote this one as a conversation between myself technically since I write both Kala and Penny. -Molly)

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