Chapter 53

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The ender stopped in front of large doors. '... Brace yourself...' Was all they said before opening the doors and teleporting to the panel and turning the lights on.

People asleep in containers lined the walls for what felt like miles.

Quentin's expression quickly turned to one of terror as he looked around the room. "W-what the hell?!" His eyes were wide and his hand covered his mouth, him beginning to feel sick.

'I warned you... This is where about a... a third of them are... There are others... elsewhere but... Not many are out and about like you... At least... Not normal like you...' The ender explained quietly.

"A third?!" Quentin began to panic. "What's she doing to the rest? A-are you one of the rest...?"

The ender glanced down but nodded. 'Y-Yes... I am...' He sighed. 'Some have been... treated... like me... they are scattered about... The other third... I'm not sure I should tell you...'

"Tell me." The other firmly responded.

'...The room I entered earlier... She calls it... Her puppet room...' He shuddered a little.

"Puppet room...?" Quentin repeated.

'Y-Yes... She... Well... It varies for why but... it's almost like a trophy room... But... Well... I'm not supposed to show you that... Or this for that matter...'

"Then should we leave?"

'Preferably... Yes.'

Quentin nodded and grabbed onto the ender's hand, quickly leading him out of the room.

The ender followed after him.

Quentin's arm was shaking as they left the room and walked down the hall, Quentin really having no destination.

'I'm sorry, I didn't want to take you but you insisted...'

"That's fine, I understand..."

'Where... Where are we going?'

"We need to get out of here."

'Okay, but how?'

"Not sure, but there has to be a way."

'If she catches us we will be in a lot of trouble, you know!'

"I'll take all the blame if she does, don't worry."

'It doesn't-' He sighed. 'Okay...'

"It'll be fine, I promise." Quentin turned back to the ender and gave him a smile.

'If you say so...'

"Just... don't worry about it." Quentin sounded uncertain, but continued to walk down the hallway.

The ender said nothing but continued to follow.

It felt like they were running in circles, every hall looking the same as the last.

'We aren't getting anywhere...'

"I know." The mudkip responded, clearly frustrated.

'Then why are we still going?'

"Because I want to get out of here." Quentin coldly answered.

'She isn't going to let you. You know that right?'

"I'll make her then."

'You... You're joking, right? Please tell me you're joking.'

"What makes you think that?"

'You think no one else has tried that before?'

Quentin stopped walking. "What happened to them...?"

'... Either something like me, dead... or... puppets...' he replied softly.

"But we'll get outta here before she sees us." The other brushed off the warning.

'No... We won't...' The ender argued quietly.

"Not with that attitude..."

'well it's true!'

"There's a first for everything though, isn't there?"


Quentin rolled his eyes and continued to walk.

The ender sighed and finally stopped. 'I'm sorry. But I'm not going to follow you to death...'

"What...? You're just gonna leave me here?"

'Unless you are gonna stop, yes.'

"Well I don't plan on stopping."

'Then this is where we part ways.'

Quentin had a hint of sadness in his eyes. "I- I'm sorry... I have to get back to them... everyone I left behind..."

'Then I wish you good luck.'

"But what about you?"

'I will stay here. It's the only choice I have.'

"If I do find a way out of here, I'm coming back for you."

'Thank you.'

"No problem... I uh, I guess I'll see you around then." Quentin smiled.

'Farewell.' The ender teleported away.

"Bye..." His smile quickly faded and the mudkip began to roam the halls once more.

The Lost Ones Book 2: Welcome HomeWhere stories live. Discover now