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THIS WAS WRONG, and ellie knew that. jess and em were orchestrating this whole thing, and the poor thespian had somehow been included in the conversation, hazelnut brown eyes wide as they explained the plan once more. "this isn't fair. i don't want to do this to hannah." ellie sighed, crossing her arms over her pale pink sweater, fiddling with the sleeves. beth was her best friend, and by hurting hannah like this...it felt as though she was betraying her.

"yeah, don't you guys think this is a little bit cruel?" sam agreed wholeheartedly with ellie, glad that someone else had a conscience other than her.

jessica sighed with a a falsely sympathetic look drawn across her pretty features, placing her hands on her hips as she responded to the only other blonde girl in the group. "oh, come on, she deserves it."

"it's not her fault that she has a huge crush on mike." sam countered.

strutting out of the kitchen and down the cathedral like hallway of the lodge, jess continued talking, pointing an affectionate finger at emily as she spoke. her pigtails swayed across her shoulders and a smirk was wide across her face. "hannah's been making moves on him. i'm just looking out for my girl em."

"just because he's class prez doesn't mean he belongs to everyone. mike is my man." emily declared with a little smirk, following after jess with her hands in her purple jacket pockets.

"hey em, i'm not anybody's man." mike responded, though emily was quick to respond with a 'whatever you say darling', and the five of them: jessica, emily, ashley, michael and matthew, headed upstairs, leaving sam and ellie by themselves.

samantha rolled her eyes and huffed. "i'll go find hannah, you go find beth. that work?" she suggested, looking down to the shorter female with a worried expression across her usual relaxed face. it made ellie uncomfortable, knowing that hannah was going to be so upset soon. god damnit, just walking into han's room you'd see the subtle hints. the 'mm + hw' in hearts all over her notebooks, her diary entries that just described in detail how she longed to be his girlfriend instead of emily.

"yeah, yeah...o-of course." ellie nodded, going off towards the bar where she assumed beth was with josh. chris, too. you hardly ever saw the two guys apart from each other, and it wasn't too different from her and beth's friendship, or em and jess's. she put her fingers through the belt loops on her skinny jeans, a nervous habit she'd had since forever as she walked, the dim lighting of the lodge making her feel eerie. maybe that was just her imagination running wild, but being alone in the lodge wasn't the sort of thing she'd want to do any time soon. "beth? you in here?" she called, pushing the door open and looking around.

"jeremiah craigg." the girl in question said as she heard her best friend. beth then gently shook her brother's shoulder and in a lighthearted tone she told him, "once again brother, you've outdone us all. anyways, hey el. what's up?" she seemed at ease, completely unaware of what was happening upstairs.

"well he's as sober as my uncle david at a funeral." eleanor stated, earning a henuine, joyous laugh out of the other girl. ellie chewed anxiously on her bottom lip, sitting up on the barstool next to josh who was totally out of it. she didn't really want to tell beth, but knew that it was only fair for her to know. "upstairs..mike, je—. what the hell?" she was cut off as she saw a figure wall past the window, a male figure that she didn't recognise.

"did you see that? dad said it'd just be us this weekend..josh?" beth looked just as alarmed as ellie was. she then looked towards a note on the bar. "oh my god..what'd our naive sister get herself into now?" she asked aloud, causing ellie to hop down from the barstool and look over the girl's shoulder, reading it for herself.

"oh, han.." ellie said aloud, just imagining how excited she'd be reading the note. "beth...those guys upstairs are..." she paused, seeing hannah run outside.

beth also saw hannah run out of the lodge door out into the snow, and shook josh's shoulder to try and wake him up, knowing he'd be able to catch up to her quicker than she would. "josh! josh! fuck." and off beth ran, with ellie not too far behind.

the two of them ran outside where the others were, looking for hannah from the doorstep, huddled together though panicked. none of them had known the prank would go this far. beth shoved past matt so she was out front. "hannah!" samantha yelled out, cupping her hands around her mouth.

"what's going on, where's my sister going?" beth asked everyone.

"ugh, it's fine. she just can't take a joke." jessica responded with seemingly no remorse for how cruel she'd just been to the poor girl. she really was a spiteful girl when she wanted to be.

emily called out after the girl as well, looking around for any sign of her. "it was just a prank, han!"

"what did you do?!" beth demanded, stepping out to face the group. she felt as though ellie had betrayed her by not telling her, her eyes hardened into a glare that could kill.

mike, in a desperate attempt to defend himself and the others, tried to reason with her. "we were just messing around, beth. it wasn't serious—."

"you jerks!" beth exclaimed, running off into the woods and leaving the others outside watching her, all the way until the bright pink parka she wore was nothing but a tiny dot.

"so...should we go after her?" the class president asked.

"you know, i kind of think you're the last person she wants to see right now, mike." sam replied before walking back inside, taking ellie with her.

little did they all know that they'd never see the washington girls again. they'd never hear their laughs again, or see their smiles.

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