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ELEANOR CONTINUED ON her way, much slower than she was when she was running away from that guy. a building was up ahead, maybe someone would be there? what the hell was this place anyway? it looked creepy as hell. ellie felt freezing now, the snow soaking through her sweater and her leggings and making her shiver, but she knew she'd be okay. she had to be. she kept walking towards the building, stumbling over a rock or two and almost falling to the floor. she found it hard to function when she was at this level of cold, as if her joints were all cramping up.

"psssst! ellie!" she heard to her left. eleanor turned her head and saw none other than michael munroe in the snow, wearing only his undershirt and pants. god, he must've been freezing as well. noticing she wasn't moving towards him, mike dragged her down by the arm, knowing that guy who was trying to get into that building would turn around any moment. the guy ellie hadn't noticed yet. "woah, woah! you okay?" he asked as ellie practically fell over beside him, leaning her head against the wall behind them. her hair felt as if it had literally frozen, icicles and snowflakes coating her brown locks.

eleanor looked towards him, her chest heaving. "this guy back at the lodge....he broke into the bathroom. ch-chased me into the woods...i don't know who it is b-but..." ellie looked away from him, closing her eyes tightly. she wasn't brave like the others, she was scared of everything and couldn't even function in the cold. she couldn't climb a rock wall in ten seconds like sam could or anything like that. "where's...where's jess?"

mike felt sympathy for the girl. jesus, that must've been scary as shit. "fuck, el. did he hurt you?" he wanted to make sure she was okay before deciding to head into that place the guy had finally entered. "jess...jess. i think she's gone." he said solemnly. he did love her, really. she was hot, funny and had so much personality it was a wonder she didn't burst. he wasn't gonna cry though, he couldn't. "just dragged through the fucking window. when i got to her she was all fucked up i...ugh."


"don't, don't. it's okay. just a twisted way to go..she was screaming my name and everything."

𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐌𝐄, 𝐈'𝐌 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐃 | 𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘭 𝘥𝘢𝘸𝘯Where stories live. Discover now