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"JEEZ, YOU LOOK like hell." samantha told mike, though he looked a lot better than ellie did, sprawled in his arms as though she were dead. "oh, ellie...you said she hit her head?"

michael rolled his eyes. "nice to see you too. and uh, yeah. on the cave floor. it was real bad."

"shit." sam sighed as she walked over to the corner of the room, putting her backpack on the ground. she had spare clothes in there, she always did for when she went climbing and stuff like that. mike gave her a confused look, though she quickly responded. "well actually, the towel didn't turn out to be the best outfit for fighting off killer maniacs, you know? do you mind? mike?

"oh. right. my bad." mike apologised, turning around and looking down at ellie, willing for her to wake up. not only for her own well-being but also because his arms were getting tired.

"let's put this thing to bed." sam told mike once she was done changing, now wearing a red zip up hoodie and some grey leggings.

"amen to tha— is that crying?" mike looked out of the open door as he heard what sounded like screams and cries coming from the room across, the other door sam wasn't brave enough to open up on her own, in case that guy who attacked her was just waiting there. sam and he shared a confused glance, before forcing the door open by pounding into it with their shoulders.

ashley and chris were sat across from each other on this table, and chris had a gun pulled to his neck. the guy who attacked both ellie and sam came from a door out back, the mask still on his face, and chris shot at him three times. ashley was screaming for him to get away, clearly distressed, covered in blood. though she didn't have any marks on her, she seemed physically okay. "oh chris... oh, chris, chris, chris, chris. oh, you've heard of blanks before? i mean, really?" the psycho pulled his mask off to reveal himself.

"josh?!" sam exclaimed.

joshua laughed, clearly off his meds. he didn't even see ellie in mike's arms, far too out of it to even think straight that his best friend was unconscious. "how does it feel? do you enjoy feeling terrorized? humiliated? i mean, panicked? all those emotions that my sisters got to feel once one year ago! only guess what? they didn't get to laugh it off! no! nope! no no no! they're gone!" he exclaimed with great big hand gestures. "hook, line and sinker for every little stinker!"

𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐌𝐄, 𝐈'𝐌 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐃 | 𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘭 𝘥𝘢𝘸𝘯Where stories live. Discover now