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AN ARM ROCKING on a table, making an irritating click every time it went from side to side was the sight the two were met with. michael pushed open the door and cautiously walked towards the arm. "woah woah woah, is this what he was feeding them?" he asked, reaching out to pluck a note from the hand. this was certainly a discovery. what the hell was this even doing here?

immediately two of his fingers got caught in a bear trap which snapped up, causing ellie to scream in terror, and drop his hand, whilst mike yelled out in agony. ellie clasped her hands over her mouth. "sh-sh-shit! your h-hand!" out came her terrified stutter, which under any other circumstance mike would have shamelessly told her was cute, but right now wasn't the time.

eleanor's eyes widened even further as mike pulled his machete out, preparing to slice his fingers off. "you're g-gonna slice your f-f-fingers off?"

"what other choice do i have?" michael didn't want to risk breaking the machete in case they needed it. he'd rather live with eight fingers than die with ten. "shit. oh shit... oh shit... oh shit... oh shit... oh shit... oh shit... oh shit... oh shit! fuck... ugh!" he sliced his fingers off with one movement of the machete, hopping around in pure agony as his fingers began spurting blood. "argh! argh! okay...okay."

looking around for anything to bandage mike's fingers with, ellie's gaze landed on a half-empty medical kit. she grabbed a roll of bandages from it, and quickly rushed over to mike. "oh my f-fucking g-g-god..." she stuttered, wrapping mike's fingers up carefully for him. "i c-can't b-b-believe...-"

"me either. fuck..." he stored his machete and held his hand with five fingers out for ellie to hold onto, which she quickly did, her own hand shaking. she'd just seen this guy amputate his own damn fingers. this night definitely wasn't what she'd expected. "eeny...meeny... miney... moh... catch a tiger by the toe... if he... let him go... i don't know where the fuck to go... okay..." michael looked around before heading over to a shelf where this deformed skull was floating in some form of liquid.

𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐌𝐄, 𝐈'𝐌 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐃 | 𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘭 𝘥𝘢𝘸𝘯Where stories live. Discover now