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BETHANY MUNROE looked up at her parents with the big brown eyes she'd inherited from her mom widened in enthralment, the cheeky little smile she'd gotten from her dad spread across her little face. "again, again!" she chanted, absolutely fascinated by the same story mommy and daddy read to her every night about the wendigo spirit. she didn't understand the truth behind it all, nor that it didn't actually end with the wendigo and the main characters becoming friends, but she loved it.

"goodnight, beth." ellie said, her hand resting on the light switch to the six-year-old's very pink bedroom. she loved her daughter more than anything. she loved her smile, her laugh. the way she couldn't pronounce the word 'yellow'.

beth crossed her arms with a huff. "daddy!" she pleaded, looking to the man behind her mother, hoping that maybe he would read her the story again. mike shook his head, and beth laid back down in her fluffy blankets. "fine. goodnight mommy, goodnight daddy." she sighed dramatically as if it was going to be the end of the world, hugging her bunny rabbit close to her chest and closing her eyes once ellie had turned the light off.

michael closed the door, before looking down at his wife. "she's definitely got your genes, huh." he joked as he pulled her closer to him by the waist. ellie rolled her eyes at him with a soft grin, before letting him kiss her, backing her against the wall and holding her there. she loved these moments with mike; she'd never get tired of him, and she just hoped he'd never get tired of her. pulling away, he looked down to her as he closed the gap between their foreheads. "now, as much as i'd love to never stop kissing you, we have guests." he told her flirtatiously, taking her hand and leading them down the stairs.

the munroe's lived in a lovely house. they had a beautiful daughter, a beautiful dog - a white husky they'd named wolfie, after their friend who had lead them through the sanatorium all those years ago, and everywhere you looked there were pictures. there were pictures that bethany had made in school, family pictures, friend pictures. it felt like a home. they'd actually had beth only a year or so after the events that took place on blackwood mountain, so they were still young. ellie was a performer and a drama teacher, and mike was a politician. not quite president yet though, but he was working towards it, and he'd be sure to let you know that.

𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐌𝐄, 𝐈'𝐌 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐃 | 𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘭 𝘥𝘢𝘸𝘯Where stories live. Discover now