nutella (anthony reeves )

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"what the fuck" you say staring at the Nutella jar angrily, you get the lid open for once and now you cant seem to remove the golden tinfoil part. "Anthony this is bullshit" you speak again getting more frustrated with every second. "babe let me do it" 

"um no tank you, i figured out something that might workk" you say back reaching into the utesils draw, pulling out a fork. " are you ready to die bitchh" you spoke before plunging the fork into the tinfoil. "remind me to never make you mad like ever" Anthony said as you death stare him. "I think im in crackhead mode" you say before licking the Nutella from the tinfoil. 

"ouch, what the fuck bro" you yelled, touching the bit of your tongue that is now bleeding. "I cut it, I cut my fucking tongue on a stupid tinfoil thingy" you said getting more frustrated. "baby let me make them you're gonna end up dead with the way you're going. 

"I'm in such a hyped up mood maybe Nutella sandwiches, wont help" you say as Anthony giggles slightly. "y/n its 3 in the morning how do you have this energy?"

"because I, Anthony reeves , am a full time crackhead also can we cuddle after eating these plews" you ask in a slight baby voice "I've been trying to cuddle with you all night y/n, so I will cuddle with you" 

"yay" you say before taking a bite out of your sandwich. "that hard time making this was sooo worth it" you said before going in for another bite. "this is why I love you y/n" Anthony say before pulling you into a hug. 

( this one was ass not to mention that the Nutella part was real. without Anthony there ofc but yeah I couldn't open the Nutella jar and I was getting extremely frustrated)

word count: 315

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